Workshop 9.1: Creating a PMIS Site Template

In this workshop, you will save your case study PMIS as a site template as part of your project closure activities.

For fields and settings that aren’t mentioned in the workshop steps, accept the default settings. Here are the steps to create a site template:

  1. Open Internet Explorer and access your PMIS.

  2. Click Site ActionsSite Settings (Figure 9-5).

    Accessing Site Settings

    Figure 9-5. Accessing Site Settings

  3. In the Site Actions column, click “Save site as template”, if you are a site collection administrator (Figure 9-6).

  4. The “Save site as template” page will be displayed (Figure 9-7). Enter the following information:

    File name: <city>.stp (.stp is the file extension of site templates)
    Template name: <city> PMIS Template
    Template description: This is the PMIS template used for new SharePoint Dojo projects.
    Include Content: Disabled
    Saving a site as a template

    Figure 9-6. Saving a site as a template

    Updating site template information

    Figure 9-7. Updating site template information

  5. Click OK and then OK again.

  6. A page similar to the one shown in Figure 9-8 will be displayed. Applying what you learned in Chapter 2, use the following settings to create a subsite from your existing PMIS using the site template you just saved:

    1. Title: test

    2. URL name:

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