Resource Materials
There are many aspects to reliability. In this book, we have focussed our attention on basic concepts, tools and techniques needed for the study of these different aspects. The literature on reliability is very large and deals many different issues. We have covered many of the important issues and indicated suitable references where further details on the material covered as well as information on related material not covered can be found. Our coverage has necessarily been brief, as it is impossible to provide complete coverage of so broad a topic. Instead, we have attempted to present a solid introduction to the most important aspects of reliability and the linkages between them.
Both the theoretical and application-oriented literature on reliability are growing at an increasing pace and this trend will continue in the future. In addition, the changes in computer and information technology have had a significant impact on the study of reliability. In this chapter, we focus on some of these topics and provide information sources that are useful to both researchers and practitioners.1
The outline of the chapter is as follows. In Section 20.2 we give a list of journals of relevance to reliability. Some of these deal exclusively with reliability-related topics and others (from different disciplines) contain papers dealing with issues of relevance to reliability. Reliability standards were discussed in Chapter 12. In Section 20.3 we give ...
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