Nuts and Bolts

If you stepped through the SimpleDB CDK sample project, you saw that the VB code manipulated the Palm device’s databases and records using COM objects. Let’s dig a little deeper into the HotSync architecture to see how a conduit communicates with the Palm device.

Recall from Figure 4-1 that the COM Sync Suite provides the interface to the HotSync manager and the Palm device.

The Sync Suite itself has several layers to isolate its interface from the underlying details of the HotSync application and to support both VB/COM and C/C++ conduits. This layered approach frees the VB programmer from worrying about messy details such as which serial port the HotSync manager is using to communicate with the Palm device.

To simplify conduit development, the Sync Suite provides COM objects and classes that encapsulate the HotSync manager, the user, and databases on the Palm device. A utility class is provided to handle things like Motorola byte ordering and unique record identifiers.[30] These classes and their relationships are shown in Figure 4-5.

Sync Suite class hierarchy

Figure 4-5. Sync Suite class hierarchy

There are VB projects in the CDK that cover these objects and interfaces. Rather than enumerate all of them here, we will discuss the major ones we encounter as we develop our simple conduit. Once you understand the framework, you can use the VB Object Browser and the Conduit Reference manual to find the special properties you need for your conduit.

The HotSync manager expects your ActiveX conduit to implement the IPDClientNotify interface, which it calls when it needs your services, either to synchronize or to access configuration settings and preferences.

Sample Application and Conduit

The sample code for this chapter includes an AppForge application project, Ch4a.vbp, and an ActiveX conduit project, Ch4aCond.vbp.

You can use the application to create, edit and delete records on the Palm device. This application creates a database that consists of text records with a single field. Figure 4-6 shows the application’s user interface on the Palm PDA. The application has a Creator ID of Ch4a, and the database is named Ch4aDB.

Main screen for sample application Ch4a

Figure 4-6. Main screen for sample application Ch4a

There is no corresponding Windows application for this example. Instead, we represent desktop records using text files in a desktop folder. We will use the record identifier from the Palm database as the filename—this will guarantee uniqueness in our naming system. Synchronized desktop records have the extension .REC. Newly added desktop records will have the extension . NEW, deleted records will have the extension .DEL, and changed desktop records will have the extension . CHG.

By following this scheme, we can implement all the synchronization possibilities shown previuosly in Table 4-2. Note that to simplify this example, we aren’t going to support archived records or database categories.

Let’s outline what this conduit example is going to demonstrate:

  • How to implement all required COM interfaces

  • How to support user customization

  • How to read and write data on the Palm device (FastSync and HHtoPC sync)

  • Log activity and errors

  • Ways to demonstrate interactive debugging

Configure the VB Conduit Project

We start building the conduit by creating a new VB project. Using the New Project Wizard, choose ActiveX EXE. This will create the conduit as an out-of-process COM server. Normally, this is inefficient due to the marshaling of data between processes during method calls. But it gives us the ability to debug by running the conduit as a standalone process, and intercepting HotSync manager calls.

After creating the project, add in the references to two Palm COM Sync Suite type libraries used by all conduits: ComStandard.dll and ComDirect.dll (see Figure 4-7). As usual, you do this from the VB IDE by choosing the References option from the Project menu.

Sync Suite COM references

Figure 4-7. Sync Suite COM references

Save your project after renaming the default Class1 component and file to something more appropriate; we use SyncNotifyand Ch4aNotify.cls in the example. We set the project name as Ch4aCond; note that you should use the default Thread Pool threading model.

Support IPDClientNotify

The HotSync manager expects COM conduits to support the IPDClientNotify public interface. It calls this interface to get information about your conduit, to allow the user to change settings for your conduit, and to synchronize your Palm application with its desktop data.

IPDClientNotify has four member routines that must be supported; these are summarized in Table 4-5.

Table 4-5. IPDNotifyClient public interface

Interface method



Return conduit name, version, and default synchronization type to HotSync manager


Allow user customization of sync type and return new settings to HotSync manager


Same as CfgConduit, but called by earlier versions of HotSync manager


Perform synchronization

To support a COM interface in VB, use the Implements keyword. We put this right at the top of our class module:

Implements IPDClientNotify

Any conduits registered with the HotSync manager as ActiveX or COM clients that do not respond to these calls are dropped from the list of active conduits. This happens if you don’t implement some part of the interface, or if you throw a runtime error during processing.

You should review the VB documentation if you have never implemented multiple COM interfaces in your class objects before.


When the HotSync manager is initialized, it looks at all the conduits that have been installed on the desktop. The HotSync manager calls the function GetConduitInfo for all registered conduits several times, each time requesting different information. Table 4-6 details the parameters to GetConduitInfo.

Table 4-6. Parameters to GetConduitInfo





[IN] EgetConduitInfo

Type of HotSync request


[IN] Long

Creator ID of current application


[IN] Long

Numeric ID of current user


[IN] String

String ID of current user

The HotSync manager passes the Creator ID of the application your conduit is registered to handle. This is not redundant, as nothing prevents the registration of your conduit for more than one application.

The HotSync manager also passes the identity of the current desktop user in UserId and UserName. Again, your application might be required to support more than one user. Note that the username is not the Windows login name; instead, it is whatever name the Palm device user chose when installing the HotSync software.

The HotSync manager passes a request for information in the infoType parameter. The request is one of the constants in the public enumeration EGetConduitInfo; GetConduitInfo returns a variant appropriate to the type of request made by the HotSync manager, as shown in Table 4-7.

Table 4-7. Return data types for GetConduitInfo

Request type

Function return value






Value from enumeration ESyncType


Value from enumeration EMfcVersion

We have coded GetConduitInfo using a simple Select Case ... End Case statement, with a case for each possible request type. The code for GetConduitInfo is shown in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2. Listing for SyncNotify.GetConduitInfo

Private Function _
IPDClientNotify_GetConduitInfo(ByVal infoType As EGetConduitInfo, _
                               ByVal dwCreatorId As Long, _
                               ByVal dwUserId As Long, _
                               ByVal bstrUserName As String) As Variant

    Select Case infoType
    Case eGetConduitName
        IPDClientNotify_GetConduitInfo = "Ch4a Conduit"
    Case eGetConduitVersion
        IPDClientNotify_GetConduitInfo = 3#
    Case eGetDefaultAction
        IPDClientNotify_GetConduitInfo = ESyncTypes.eFast
    Case eGetMfcVersion
        IPDClientNotify_GetConduitInfo = EMfcVersion.ePDMFC_NOT_USED
    End Select

End Function

The conduit name is displayed when the user selects the Custom option from the HotSync icon in the system tray, so this should be a string that is meaningful to your users. Palm does not document how the HotSync manager uses your conduit version, so it appears that a conduit can supply any double value.

The HotSync manager uses your conduit’s default action when synchronizing, unless the user sets a new default type (see the following section). As with most conduits, we specify fast synchronization as the default:

Case eGetDefaultAction
    IPDClientNotify_GetConduitInfo = PDDirectlib.eFast

The HotSync manager supports multiple conduit architectures, among them conduits implemented using the Microsoft Foundation Class framework. ActiveX conduits should return ePDMFC_NOT_USED when asked for the MFC version, to avoid confusing the HotSync manager.


When the user needs to change your conduit’s behavior, the HotSync manager calls the interface function CfgConduit. This call is always in response to user interaction with a dialog similar to that shown in Figure 4-2. Table 4-8 details the parameters to CfgConduit.

Table 4-8. Parameters to CfgConduit





[IN] Long

Creator ID of current application


[IN] Long

Numeric ID of current user


[IN] String

String ID of current user


[IN] String

User folder in HotSync directory


[IN/OUT] EsyncTypes

See text


[IN/OUT] EsyncTypes

See text


[IN/OUT] EsyncTypes

See text


[OUT] ESyncPref

Tell HotSync manager that changes are permanent or temporary

Just like GetConduitInfo, the HotSync manager passes CfgConduit the application’s Creator ID and the identity of the current desktop user. In addition, the HotSync manager passes the location of a folder on the desktop for this user. The folder location is usually relative to the HotSync manager; with our configuration, this looks something like:


Here’s what the Palm Windows Conduit Reference says about the three sync-type parameters:


The type of synchronization to perform for a new device


The type of synchronization to perform on a onetime (temporary) basis


The type of synchronization to perform on an ongoing (permanent) basis

The implication is that you set these variables to tell the HotSync manager how to run your conduit under different circumstances. Unfortunately, reading and setting these variables from a COM conduit does not work exactly as documented.


On entry, you will find that all the variables have the same value, usually the default synchronization type for your conduit. On exit, you must set all three variables to the same value.

The HotSync manager uses the SyncPref variable to determine if the synchronization choice is to be made permanent, or if it is for the next synchronization session only. Set this value to either ePermanentPreference or eTemporaryPreference as appropriate.

Let’s look at our implementation of this interface function; it is really quite simple. Example 4-3 shows the code for CfgConduit.

Example 4-3. Listing for SyncNotify.CfgConduit

Private Sub IPDClientNotify_CfgConduit(ByVal nCreatorId As Long, _
                                       ByVal nUserId As Long, _
                                       ByVal bstrUserName As String, _
                                       ByVal bstrPathName As String, _
                                       ByVal nSyncPerm As ESyncTypes, _
                                       ByRef nSyncTemp As ESyncTypes, _
                                       ByRef nSyncNew As ESyncTypes, _
                                       ByRef nSyncPref As ESyncPref)

    ' Set up the form: type of sync to perform, user directory
    SyncForm.SetFields nSyncNew
    ' Let the user make choices, then retrieve them from the form. The
    ' form must be modal, this is required by COM.
    SyncForm.Show vbModal
    SyncForm.GetFields nSyncNew, nSyncTemp, nSyncPerm, nSyncPref

End Sub

The project includes a form called SyncForm, through which the user makes changes. The first thing we do is to call SetFields, a public function in the form module. It sets private form variables that are used in the Load event to initialize the controls. Without it, we’d have to interact with the form elements directly. This is risky because accessing a form element usually causes the form to be shown before you are ready.

Next, we show the form and let the user interact with the dialog. Note that the form must be shown modally: a COM object cannot display a non-modal form without a lot of extra steps. The form will fail to load if you do not supply the VBModal parameter:

SyncForm.Show vbModal


Since this is a mirror-image conduit, our custom user interface is designed to look just like the Palm native applications.

The form is simple, consisting of a group of radio buttons for the sync types, a checkbox for making the selected sync preference the default, and OK and Cancel buttons. We added an image control, to depict graphically what each type of synchronization does. The control’s bitmap is taken from a screen shot of the Palm Address conduit.

The form user interface was shown earlier, in Figure 4-2. In our example, the form name is SyncForm, and it is saved as Ch4aForm.frm.

Your conduit might not need to support all these synchronization types, so feel free to remove choices. For example, we have disabled the PCtoHH option in our sample conduit (see Figure 4-2). But you should always include an option for your conduit to do nothing. We guarantee that this option will be used more often than you think!

And if your conduit has special requirements or extra configuration options, this is the place to expose them.

Here is the implementation of SetFields, which was discussed earlier:

Public Sub SetFields(ByVal nSyncPerm As Long)
    m_nSyncType = nSyncPerm
End Sub

The code for the form Load event is shown in Example 4-4. Load assumes that the private form variables have already been set to appropriate values—so be sure to call SetFields before loading the form. In Load , we set the radio buttons and checkbox to the states indicated by the public form variable values.

Example 4-4. Listing for SyncForm.Load

Private Sub Form_Load(  )

    ' Set the radio buttons based on the HotSync information
    optSync.Value = False
    optHHToPC.Value = False
    optPCToHH.Value = False
    optDoNothing.Value = False
    Select Case m_nSyncType
    Case eHHtoPC
        optHHToPC.Value = True
    Case ePCtoHH
        optPCToHH.Value = True
    Case eDoNothing
        optDoNothing.Value = True
    Case Else
        optSync.Value = True
    End Select
    ' Set the preference check box - default to temporary by convention
    m_nSyncPref = eTemporaryPreference
    chkDefault.Value = Unchecked

    ' Assume the user will cancel
    m_bCancel = True
End Sub

The only remarkable thing about Load is that it assumes any user changes will be temporary, unless explicitly made permanent. This is the conventional behavior for the Palm native conduits, and it is a good idea for your user interface to follow suit:

m_nSyncPref = eTemporaryPreference
chkDefault.Value = Unchecked

The user can exit the form a variety of ways. For this reason, the values in the form controls are only transferred to the form variables in the OK button’s Click event (see Example 4-5). At this time, the cancellation flag is set to false, the form is unloaded, and control returns to CfgConduit.

Example 4-5. Listing for SyncForm.btn_OK.Click

Private Sub btnOk_Click(  )

    ' Transfer form variables to
    If optSync.Value Then
        m_nSyncType = ESyncTypes.eFast
    ElseIf optPCToHH.Value Then
        m_nSyncType = ESyncTypes.ePCtoHH
    ElseIf optHHToPC.Value Then
        m_nSyncType = ESyncTypes.eHHtoPC
    ElseIf optDoNothing.Value Then
        m_nSyncType = ESyncTypes.eDoNothing
    End If

    If chkDefault.Value = Checked Then m_nSyncPref = ePermanentPreference

    ' Flag used in GetFields(  ) to see if the variables are valid
    m_bCancel = False
    Unload Me

End Sub

If the user exits the form, either by pushing the Cancel button directly or pressing the ESC key, control is transferred to the Cancel button’s Click event. We don’t show that routine here, but in it, the cancellation flag is set to true, the form is unloaded, and control is returned to CfgConduit.

At this point, the user has dismissed the form. Now we retrieve the new variable settings using the GetFields routine (which is smart enough not to overwrite any values if the user canceled rather than applied the changes). The code for GetFields is shown in Example 4-6.

Example 4-6. Listing for SyncForm.GetFields

Public Sub GetFields(ByRef nSyncNew As Long, _
                     ByRef nSyncTemp As Long, _
                     ByRef nSyncPerm As Long, _
                     ByRef nSyncPref As Long)

    If m_bCancel Then Exit Sub

    ' Retrieve the "default" setting from the check box
    nSyncPref = m_nSyncPref

    ' Retrieve the action setting from the radio buttons
    nSyncNew = m_nSyncType
    nSyncTemp = m_nSyncType
    nSyncPerm = m_nSyncType

End Sub

If the user has canceled, then none of the form variables are transferred in GetFields. And note that all three sync-type parameters are set to the same user-configured value, despite the Conduit Reference documentation, for the reasons discussed earlier.


This interface function is used by versions of the HotSync manager prior to release 3.0.1. For later releases of the HotSync manager, this function is only called if your conduit doesn’t implement the CfgConduit interface. Table 4-9 lists the parameters for SyncNotify.ConfigureConduit.

Table 4-9. Parameters for SyncNotify.ConfigureConduit





[IN] String

User folder in HotSync directory


[IN] String

Numeric ID of current user


[IN/OUT] EsyncPref

Tell HotSync manager that changes are permanent or temporary


[IN/OUT] EsyncTypes

The kind of synchronization to perform

The code for ConfigureConduit simply returns default values for the two output parameters:

Private Sub IPDClientNotify_ConfigureConduit(ByVal bstrPathName As String, _
                                             ByVal bstrRegistry As String, _
                                             ByRef nSyncPref As ESyncPref, _
                                             ByRef nSyncType As ESyncTypes)

    nSyncType = PDdirectlib.eFast
    nSyncPref = PDdirectlib.ePermanentPreference

End Sub


The HotSync manager calls the interface function BeginProcess when an actual synchronization should occur. At this point, you can assume that the Palm device is in the cradle and the user has pressed the HotSync button.

Our implementation of BeginProcess is intentionally minimal; we delegate all the real work of synchronization to a private class. The code for BeginProcess is shown in Example 4-7.

Example 4-7. Listing for SyncNotify.BeginProcess

Private Function IPDClientNotify_BeginProcess(  ) As Boolean

    ' Create our sync object and do the work
    Dim Worker As New SyncLogic
    ' Return false to signal completion!
    IPDClientNotify_BeginProcess = False

End Function

BeginProcess should return False when it has completed. That signals the HotSync manager that it can skip to the next conduit. Returning False doesn’t indicate that your conduit was successful; instead, it means that it is finished executing. Later, we will see how to return status information to the user in the HotSync log.

The real work of synchronization occurs in these lines:

Dim Worker As New SyncLogic

Right away, you should notice that the Worker.Synchronize method doesn’t take any arguments. It gets all the information it needs to synchronize from publicly creatable COM objects supplied by the Sync Suite API.

We have finished implementing the IPDClientNotify interface, including the user interface required to support configuring the conduit. The conduit is complete from the perspective of the HotSync manager: the conduit can identify itself and its properties, it can be configured, and it responds to synchronization requests.

[30] The Palm device currently uses the Motorola 68000 series processor. This CPU represents numbers in little-Endian order, which is different from the Intel 80x86 processors. Your conduit must handle the conversion if your application stores numeric data.

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