Chapter 12. Pig and Other Members of the Hadoop Community
The community of applications that run on Hadoop has grown significantly as the adoption of Hadoop has increased. Many (but not all) of these applications are Apache projects. Some are quite similar in functionality. It can be confusing, especially for those new to Hadoop, to understand how these different applications interwork and overlap. In this chapter we will look at the different projects from a Pig perspective, focusing on how they complement, integrate with, or compete with Pig.
Pig and Hive
Apache Hive provides a SQL layer on top of Hadoop. It takes SQL queries and translates them to MapReduce jobs, much in the same way that Pig translates Pig Latin. It stores data in tables and keeps metadata concerning those tables, such as partitions and schemas. Many view Pig and Hive as competitors. Since both provide a way for users to operate on data stored in Hadoop without writing Java code, this is a natural conclusion. However, as was discussed in “Comparing Query and Data Flow Languages”, SQL and Pig Latin have different strengths and weaknesses. Because Hive provides SQL, it is a better tool for doing traditional data analytics. Most data analysts are already familiar with SQL, and business intelligence tools expect to speak to data sources in SQL. Pig Latin is a better choice when building a data pipeline or doing research on raw data.
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