Chapter 4. Local Storage

The web browser provides JavaScript users a wonderful environment for building applications that run in the browser. Using ExtJS or jQuery, it is possible to build an app that for many users can rival what can be done in a desktop application, and provide a method of distribution that is about as simple as it gets. But however nice the browser has been in terms of providing a user experience, it has fallen flat when it comes to data storage.

Historically, browsers did not have any way to store data. They were, in effect, the ultimate thin client. The closest that could happen was the HTTP cookie mechanism, which allows a piece of data to be attached to each HTTP request. However, cookies suffer from several problems. First, each cookie is sent back and forth with every request. So the browser sends the cookie for each JavaScript file, image, Ajax request, and so on. This can add a lot of bandwidth use for no good reason. Second, the cookie specification tried to make it so that a cookie could be shared among different subdomains. If a company had and, a cookie could be set to be visible to both. The problem with this is that outside of the United States, three-part domain names become common. For example, it would be possible to set a cookie for all the hosts in that would allow a cookie to leak to almost every host in Israel. And it is not possible to simply require a three-part domain name whenever the name contains a country suffix, because some countries such as Canada do not follow the same convention.

Having local storage on the browser can be a major advantage in terms of speed. A normal Ajax query can take anywhere from half a second to several seconds to execute, depending on the server. However, even in the best possible case it can be quite slow. A simple ICMP ping between my office in Tel Aviv and a server in California will take an average of about 250 ms. Of that 250 ms, a large part is probably due to basic physical limitations: data can travel down the wire at just some fraction of the speed of light. So there is very little that can be done to make that go faster, as long as the data has to travel between browser and server.

Local storage options are a very good option for data that is static or mostly static. For example, many applications have a list of countries as part of their data. Even if the list includes some extra information, such as whether a product is being offered in each country, the list will not change very often. In this case, it often works to have the data preloaded into a localStorage object, and then do a conditional reload when necessary so that the user will get any fresh data, but not have to wait for the current data.

Local storage is, of course, also essential for working with a web application that may be offline. Although Internet access may seem to be everywhere these days, it should not be regarded as universal, even on smartphones. Users with devices such as the iPod touch will have access to the Internet only where there is WiFi, and even smartphones like the iPhone or Android will have dead zones where there is no access.

With the development of HTML5, a serious movement has grown to provide the browser with a way to create persistent local storage, but the results of this movement have yet to gel. There are currently at least three different proposals for how to store data on the client.

In 2007, as part of Gears, Google introduced a browser-based SQLite database. WebKit-based browsers, including Chrome, Safari, and the browsers on the iPhone and Android phones, have implemented a version of the Gears SQLite database. However, SQLite was dropped from the HTML5 proposal because it is a single-sourced component.

The localStorage mechanism provides a JavaScript object that persists across web reloads. This mechanism seems to be reasonably well agreed on and stable. It is good for storing small-sized data such as session information or user preferences.

This current chapter explains how to use current localStorage implementations. In Chapter 5, we’ll look at a more complicated and sophisticated form of local storage that has appeared on some browsers: IndexedDB.

The localStorage and sessionStorage Objects

Modern browsers provide two objects to the programmer for storage, localStorage and sessionStorage. Each can hold data as keys and values. They have the same interface and work in the same way, with one exception. The localStorage object is persistent across browser restarts, while the sessionStorage object resets itself when a browser session restarts. This can be when the browser closes or a window closes. Exactly when this happens will depend on the specifics of the browser.

Setting and getting these objects is pretty simple, as shown in Example 4-1.

Example 4-1. Accessing localStorage

localStorage.sessionID = sessionId;
localStorage.setItem('sessionID', sessionId);


var sessionId;
sessionId = localStorage.sessionID;
sessionId = localStorage.getItem('sessionId');

localStorage.sessionId = undefined;

Browser storage, like cookies, implements a “same origin” policy, so different websites can’t interfere with one another or read one another’s data. But both of the storage objects in this section are stored on the user’s disk (as cookies are), so a sophisticated user can find a way to edit the data. Chrome’s Developer Tools allow a programmer to edit the storage object, and you can edit it in Firefox via Firebug or some other tool. So, while other sites can’t sneak data into the storage objects, these objects still should not be trusted.

Cookies are burdened with certain restrictions: they are limited to about 4 KB in size and must be transmitted to the server with every Ajax request, greatly increasing network traffic. The browser’s localStorage is much more generous. The HTML5 specification does not list an exact size limit for its size, but most browsers seem to limit it to about 5 MB per web host. The programmer should not assume a very large storage area.

Data can be stored in a storage object with direct object access or with a set of access functions. The session object can store only strings, so any object stored will be typecast to a string. This means an object will be stored as [object Object], which is probably not what you want. To store an object or array, convert it to JSON first.

Whenever a value in a storage object is changed, it fires a storage event. This event will show the key, its old value, and its new value. A typical data structure is shown in Example 4-2. Unlike some events, such as clicks, storage events cannot be prevented. There is no way for the application to tell the browser to not make a change. The event simply informs the application of the change after the fact.

Example 4-2. Storage event interface

var storageEvent = {
    key: 'key',
    oldValue: 'old',
    newValue: 'newValue',
    url: 'url',
    storageArea: storage // the storage area that changed

WebKit provides a screen in its Developer Tools where a programmer can view and edit the localStorage and sessionStorage objects (see Figure 4-1). From the Developer Tools, click on the Storage tab. This will show the localStorage and sessionStorage objects for a page. The Storage screen is also fully editable: keys can be added, deleted, and edited there.

Chrome Storage Viewer

Figure 4-1. Chrome Storage Viewer

Although Firebug does not provide an interface to the localStorage and sessionStorage objects as Chrome and other WebKit-based browsers do, the objects can be accessed via the JavaScript console, and you can add, edit, and delete keys there. Given time, I expect someone will write a Firebug extension to do this.

Of course, it is possible to write a customized interface to view and edit the storage objects on any browser. Create a widget on-screen that exposes the objects using the getItem and removeItem calls shown in Example 4-1 and allow editing through text boxes. The skeleton of a widget is shown in Example 4-3.

Example 4-3. Storage Viewer

(function createLocalStorageViewer()
    "id": "LocalStorageViewer",
    "class": 'hidden viewer'

  localStorage.on('update', viewer.load);

  var viewer =
    load: function loadData()
      var data, buffer;
      var renderLine = function (line)
        return "<tr key='{key}' value='{value}'>\n".populate(line) + 
          "<td class='remove'>Remove Key</td>" + 
          "<td class='storage-key'>{key}</td><td>{value}</td></tr>".populate(line);

      buffer = Object.keys(localStorage).map(function (key)
      var rec =
        key: key,
        value: localStorage[data]
      return rec;



  $("#LocalStorageViewer tr.remove").click(function ()
    var key = $(this).parent('tr').attr('key').remove();
    localStorage[key] = undefined;

  $("#LocalStroageViewer tr").dblclick(function ()
    var key = $(this).attr('key');
    var value = $(this).attr('value');
    var newValue = prompt("Change Value of " + key + "?", value);
    if (newValue !== null)
      localStorage[key] = newValue;

Using localStorage in ExtJS

ExtJS, some examples of which appeared in earlier chapters, is a very popular JavaScript framework allowing very sophisticated interactive displays. This section shows how to use localStorage with ExtJS.

One nice feature of ExtJS is that many of its objects can remember their state. For example, the ExtJS grid object allows the user to resize, hide and show, and reorder columns, and these changes are remembered and redisplayed when a user comes back to the application later. This allows each user to customize the way the elements of an application work.

ExtJS provides an object to save state, but uses cookies to store the data. A complex application can create enough state to exceed the size limits of cookies. An application with a few dozen grids can overflow the size of a cookie, which can lock up the application. So it would be much nicer to use localStorage, taking advantage of its much larger size and avoiding the overhead of sending the data to the server on every request.

Setting up a custom state provider object is, in fact, pretty easy. The provider shown in Example 4-4 extends the generic provider object and must provide three methods: set, clear, and get. These methods simply read and write the data into the store. In Example 4-4, I have chosen to index the data in the store with the rather simple method of using the string state_ with the state ID of the element being saved. This is a reasonable method.

Example 4-4. ExtJS local state provider

Ext.ux.LocalProvider = function() {;

Ext.extend(Ext.ux.LocalProvider, Ext.state.Provider, {
    set: function(name, value) {
        if (typeof value == "undefined" || value === null) {
            localStorage['state_' + name] = undefined;
        else {
            localStorage['state_' + name] = this.encodeValue(value);

    // private
    clear: function(name) {
        localStorage['state_' + name] = undefined;

    get: function(name, defaultValue) {
        return Ext.value(this.decodeValue(localStorage['state_' + name]), defaultValue);

// set up the state handler
Ext.onReady(function setupState() {
    var provider = new Ext.ux.LocalProvider();

It would also be possible to have all the state data in one large object and to store it into one key in the store. This has the advantage of not creating a large number of elements in the store, but makes the code more complex. In addition, if two windows try to update the store, one could clobber the changes made by the other. The local storage solution in this chapter offers no great solution to the issue of race conditions. In places where it can be a problem, it is probably better to use IndexedDB or some other solution.

Offline Loading with a Data Store

When some of the persistent data used in an application will be relatively static, it can make sense to load it to local storage for faster access. In this case, the object will need to be modified so that its load() method will look for the data in the localStorage area before attempting to load the data from the server. After loading the data from localStorage, should call the server to check whether the data has changed. By doing this, the application can make the data available to the user right away at the cost of possibly short-term inconsistency. This can make a user interface feel faster to the user and reduce the amount of bandwidth that the application uses.

For most requests, the data will not have changed, so using some form of ETag for the data makes a great deal of sense. The data is requested from the server with an HTTP GET request and an If-None-Match header. If the server determines that the data has not changed, it can send back a 304 Not Modified response. If the data has changed, the server sends back the new data, and the application loads it into both the object and the sessionStorage object.

The object (see Example 4-6) stores data into the session cache as one large JSON object (see Example 4-5). It further wraps the data that the server sends back in a JSON envelope, which allows it to store some metadata with it. In this case, the ETag data is stored as well as the date when the data is loaded.

Example 4-5. offline data format

    "etag": "25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b",
    "loadDate": "26-jan-2011",
    "data": {
        "root": [{
            "code": "us",
            "name": "United States"
            "code": "ca",
            "name": "Canada"


When building an ETag, make sure to use a good hash function. MD5 is probably the best choice. SHA1 can also be used, but since it produces a much longer string it is probably not worthwhile. In theory, it is possible to get an MD5 collision, but in practice it is probably not something to worry about for cache control.

Data in the localStorage object can be changed in the background. As I already explained, the user can change the data from the Chrome Developer Tools or from the Firebug command line. Or it can just happen unexpectedly because the user has two browsers open to the same application. So it is important for the store to listen for an update event from the localStorage object.

Most of the work is done in the beforeload event handler. This handler checks the data store for a cached copy of the data, and if it is there, it loads it into the store. If there is data present, the handler will reload the data as well, but will use the Function.defer() method to delay the load until a time when the system has hopefully finished loading the web page so that doing the load will be less likely to interfere with the user.

The store.doConditionalLoad() method makes an Ajax call to the server to load the data. It includes the If-None-Match header so that, if the data has not changed, it will load the current data. It also includes a force option that will cause the beforeload handler to actually load new data and not try to refresh the store from the localStorage cached version of the object.

I generally define constants for SECOND, MINUTE, and HOUR simply to make the code more readable.

Example 4-6.

Ext.extend(,, {
  indexKey: '',

  //default index key
  loadDefer: Time.MINUTE,
  // how long to defer loading the data
  listeners: {
    load: function load(store, records, options)
      var etag = this.reader.etag;
      var jsonData = this.reader.jsonData;
      var data =
        etag: etag,
        date: new date(),
        data: jsonData
      sessionStorage[store.indexKey] = Ext.encode(data);

    beforeload: function beforeLoad(store, options)
      var data = sessionStorage[store.indexKey];
      if (data === undefined || options.force)
        return true; // Cache miss, load from server 
      var raw = Ext.decode(data);
      // Defer reloading the data until later
      store.doConditionalLoad.defer(store.loadDefer, store, [raw.etag]);
      return false;
  doConditionalLoad: function doConditionalLoad(etag)

    this.proxy.headers["If-None-Match"] = etag;
      force: true

  forceLoad: function ()
    // Pass in a bogus ETag to force a load

Storing Changes for a Later Server Sync

In the event that an application may be used offline, or with a flaky connection to the Internet, it can be nice to provide the user a way to save her changes without actually needing the network to be present. To do this, write the changes in each record to a queue in the localStorage object. When the browser is online again, the queue can be pushed to the server. This is similar in intent to a transaction log as used in a database.

A save queue could look like Example 4-7. Each record in the queue represents an action to take on the server. The exact format will of course be determined by the needs of a specific application.

Example 4-7. Save queue data

      "url": "/index.php",
      "params": {}
      "url": "/index.php",
      "params": {}
      "url": "/index.php",
      "params": {}

Once the web browser is back online, it will be necessary to process the items in the queue. Example 4-8 takes the queue and sends the first element to the server. If that request is a success, it will take the next element and continue walking down the queue until the entire queue has been sent. Even if the queue is long, this process will execute it with minimal effect on the user because Ajax processes each item in an asynchronous manner. To reduce the number of Ajax calls, it would also be possible to change this code to send the queue items in groups of, say, five at a time.

Example 4-8. Save queue

var save = function save(queue)
  if (queue.length > 0)
      url: 'save.php',
      data: queue.slice(0, 5),
      success: function (data, status, request)

JQuery Plug-ins

If the uncertainty of all the client-side storage options is enough to drive you crazy, you have other options. As with many things in JavaScript, a bad and inconsistent interface can be covered up with a module that provides a much better interface. Here are two such modules that can make life easier.


DSt ( is a simple library that wraps the localStorage object. DSt can be a freestanding library or work as a jQuery plug-in. It will automatically convert any complex object to a JSON structure.

DSt can also save and restore the state of a form element or an entire form. To save and restore an element, pass the element or its ID to the method. To restore it later, pass the element to the DSt.recall() method.

To store the state of an entire form, use the DSt.store_form() method. It takes the ID or element of the form itself. The data can be restored with the DSt.populate_form() method. Example 4-9 shows the basic use of DSt.

Example 4-9. DSt interface

$.DSt.set('key', 'value');
var value = $.DSt.get('key');

$'element'); // Store the value of a form element
$.DSt.recall('element'); // Recall the value of a form element



If you don’t want to venture to figure out which storage engines are supported on which browsers and create different code for each case, there is a good solution: the jStore plug-in for jQuery. This supports localStorage, sessionStorage, Gears SQLite, and HTML5 SQLite, as well as Flash Storage and IE 7’s proprietary solution.

The jStore plug-in has a simple interface that allows the programmer to store name/value pairs in any of its various storage engines. It provides one set of interfaces for all the engines, so the program can degrade gracefully when needed in situations where a storage engine doesn’t exist on a given browser.

The jStore plug-in provides a list of engines that are available in the jQuery.jStore.Availability instance variable. The program should select the engine that makes the most sense. For applications that require multibrowser support, this can be a useful addition. See the jStore web page for more details.

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