© Jorge Acetozi 2017

Jorge Acetozi, Pro Java Clustering and Scalability, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-2985-9_2

2. Prerequisites

Jorge Acetozi

(1)São Paulo / SP, Brazil

Now that you have an understanding of how to run Docker containers, it’s time to set up the chat dependencies and get the application up and running. It’s also worth mentioning that the entire project was developed using Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, although it can run on any operating system effortlessly. You are only required to have basic experience using a Unix shell such as Bash.

First, clone the repository to your machine’s filesystem.

$ git clone git@github.com:jorgeacetozi/ebook-chat-app-spring-websocket-cassandra-redis-rabbitmq.git

You can find the project source code in ...

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