Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual

Book description

Photoshop CS5 is more amazing than ever, but it can be overwhelming if you're just getting started. This book makes learning Photoshop a breeze by explaining things in a conversational, friendly style -- with no technical jargon. After a thorough introduction to the program, you'll delve deep into Photoshop's secrets with expert tips and practical advice you can use every day.

  • Learn your way around. Get a guided tour of Photoshop's efficient new workspace
  • Unlock the power. Learn the best ways to use layers, channels, masks, paths, and more
  • Bring images to life. Discover how to effectively retouch, resize, and recolor your photos
  • Be artistic. Create beautiful illustrations and paintings, and use text effectively
  • Share your work. Produce great-looking photos for print and the Web
  • Work smarter and faster. Automate common chores and install plug-ins for complex tasks
  • Get bonus online content. Find more great material on the Missing CD page

Written with the clarity, humor, and objective scrutiny, Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual is the friendly, thorough resource you need.

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Table of contents

  1. Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
    3. The Missing Credits
      1. About the Author
      2. About the Creative Team
      3. Acknowledgements
    4. Foreword
    5. Introduction
      1. What's New in Photoshop CS5
      2. About This Book
        1. About the Outline
        2. For Photographers
        3. The Very Basics
        4. About→These→Arrows
        5. About
        6. Safari® Books Online
    6. One. The Basics
      1. 1. Photoshop CS5 Guided Tour
        1. Meet the Application Frame
          1. The Application Bar
          2. The Almighty Options Bar
          3. Swapping Screen Modes
          4. Customizing Your Workspace
        2. Working with Panels
          1. Using the Tools Panel
            1. Foreground and background color chips
          2. Colors
          3. Swatches
          4. Styles
          5. Adjustments
          6. Masks
          7. Layers
          8. Channels
          9. Paths
          10. Navigator
          11. Histogram
          12. Info
        3. The Power of Undo
          1. Changing How Far Back You Can Go
          2. Turning Back Time with the History Panel
          3. The History Brush
          4. Revert Command
        4. Tweaking Photoshop's Preferences
          1. General
          2. Interface
          3. File Handling
          4. Performance
          5. Cursors
          6. Transparency & Gamut
          7. Units & Rulers
          8. Guides, Grid & Slices
          9. Plug-ins
          10. Type
        5. The Preset Manager
          1. Sharing Presets
      2. 2. Opening, Viewing, and Saving Files
        1. Creating a New Document
          1. Photoshop's Ready-Made Documents
          2. Setting Size and Resolution
          3. Choosing a Color Mode
          4. Choosing Your Background
          5. Advanced Options
            1. Saving your custom settings
        2. Saving Files
          1. File Formats
        3. Opening an Existing Document
          1. The Open Dialog Box
          2. Opening Files as Smart Objects
          3. Opening Recent Files
          4. Working with PDFs
          5. Working with Scanned Images
          6. Working with Raw Files
            1. Opening Raw files
          7. Duplicating Files
        4. Changing Your Image View
          1. Zooming In and Out
          2. Moving Around in Your Image
          3. Zooming with the Navigator Panel
          4. Rotating Your Canvas
        5. Arranging Open Images
        6. Guides, Grids, and Rulers
          1. Rulers and Guiding Lines
            1. Smart Guides
            2. Using the Document Grid
          2. The Ruler Tool
      3. 3. Layers: The Key to Nondestructive Editing
        1. Layer Basics
          1. The Layers Panel
          2. Selecting Layers
            1. Selecting multiple layers
          3. Adding New Layers
          4. Hiding and Showing Layers
          5. Restacking Layers
          6. Duplicating and Deleting Layers
          7. Copying and Pasting Layers
          8. Filling a Layer with Color
          9. Tweaking a Layer's Opacity and Fill
          10. Resizing and Rotating Layers
          11. Moving and Aligning Layers
            1. Aligning layers
            2. Moving layers between documents
            3. Exporting layers to separate files
        2. Managing Layers
          1. Naming and Color-Coding Layers
          2. Linking and Locking Layers
            1. Linking layers
            2. Locking 'em down
          3. Grouping Layers into Folders
          4. Layer Comps: Capturing Different Document Versions
            1. Exporting layer comps
          5. Rasterizing Layers
          6. Merging Layers
        3. Layer Blending
        4. Layer Masks: Digital Masking Tape
          1. Adding Layer Masks
          2. Using Layer Masks
            1. Fixing exposure with masks
          3. Editing a Mask
        5. Using Smart Objects
          1. Creating Smart Objects
          2. Managing Smart Objects
        6. Layer Styles
          1. Managing Layer Styles
          2. Using the Styles Panel
            1. Exporting and loading styles
      4. 4. Selections: Choosing What to Edit
        1. Selection Basics
          1. Meet the Marching Ants
        2. Selecting by Shape
          1. The Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tools
            1. Creating a soft vignette
          2. The Single Row and Column Marquee Tools
          3. The Vector Shape Tools
        3. Selecting by Color
          1. The Quick Selection Tool
          2. The Magic Wand
            1. Expanding your selection
          3. The Color Range Command
          4. The Background and Magic Erasers
            1. The Background Eraser
            2. The Magic Eraser
        4. Selecting Irregular Areas
          1. Using the Lasso Tools
            1. Lasso tool
            2. Polygonal Lasso tool
            3. Magnetic Lasso tool
          2. Selecting with the Pen Tool
          3. Creating Selections with Channels
          4. Using the Tools Together
        5. Modifying Selections
          1. Refining Edges
          2. Fixing Edge Halos
          3. Creating a Border Selection
          4. Transforming a Selection
          5. Using Quick Mask Mode
          6. Moving Selections
          7. Saving a Selection
          8. Filling a Selection with Color
            1. Using Content-Aware Fill
          9. Stroking (Outlining) a Selection
      5. 5. Controlling Color with Channels
        1. How Color Works
          1. RGB Mode vs. CMYK Mode
        2. The Channels Panel and You
        3. Meet the Color Channels
          1. RGB Channels
          2. CMYK Channels
            1. Creating a high-key portrait effect
          3. Spot Channels
          4. Lab Channels
          5. Multichannel Mode
          6. Single-Channel Modes
        4. The Mighty Alpha Channel
          1. Creating an Alpha Channel
          2. Editing Alpha Channels
          3. Loading an Alpha Channel as a Selection
          4. Deleting Alpha Channels
        5. Basic Channel Stunts
          1. Selecting Objects with Channels
          2. Creating a Silhouette Effect
          3. Lightening and Darkening Channels
          4. Combining Channels
          5. Sharpening Individual Channels
    7. Two. Editing Images
      1. 6. Cropping, Resizing, and Rotating
        1. Cropping Images
          1. The Rule of Thirds
          2. Creative Cropping
          3. The Crop Tool
            1. Cropping and hiding
            2. Cropping with perspective
            3. Cropping to a specific size
            4. Zooming in by cropping
            5. Adding Polaroid-style photo frames
          4. Cropping with Selection Tools
          5. Trimming Photos Down to Size
          6. Cropping and Straightening Photos
          7. Cropping and Straightening in Camera Raw
            1. Cropping images
            2. Straightening images
        2. Resizing Images
          1. Pixels and Resolution
          2. The Mighty Image Size Dialog Box
            1. Resolution guidelines for print
          3. Resizing Images for Print
          4. Resizing for Email and the Web
            1. Using the "Save for Web & Devices" dialog box
            2. Using the Image Size dialog box
          5. Resizing Web Images for Print
          6. Resizing Images for Presentations
          7. Resizing Smart Objects
          8. Automated Resizing with the Image Processor
          9. Resizing the Canvas
        3. The Content-Aware Scale Tool
        4. Rotating, Distorting, and Other Creative Madness
          1. Simple Rotations
          2. The Transformers
            1. Creating a reflection
          3. Puppet Warp
      2. 7. Combining Images
        1. Cut It Out
        2. Pasting into a Selection
          1. Sky Swapping
        3. Fading Images Together
          1. Soft Erasers
          2. Soft Brushes and Layer Masks
          3. Gradient Masks
        4. Layer Blend Modes
          1. Normal and Dissolve Blend Modes
          2. Darken Blend Modes
          3. Lighten Blend Modes
          4. Lighting Blend Modes
          5. Comparative Blend Modes
          6. Hue Blend Modes
        5. Zapping Backgrounds with Blending Sliders
        6. Auto-Aligning Layers and Photomerge
          1. Building Panoramas with Photomerge
        7. Auto-Blending Layers
        8. Cloning Between Documents
        9. Combining Vectors and Rasters
        10. Mapping One Image onto Another
      3. 8. Draining, Changing, and Adding Color
        1. Draining Color
          1. Black & White Adjustment Layers
            1. Warp-speed tinting
          2. Channel Mixer Adjustment Layers
          3. The Lightness Channel
          4. Going Grayscale in Camera Raw
          5. Partial Color Effect
          6. Fading Color to Black and White
          7. High-Contrast Black and White
          8. The High-Key Effect
          9. Delicious Duotones
        2. Changing Color
          1. Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layers
            1. Targeting a specific range of colors
          2. Hue Blend Mode
          3. Replacing Color
          4. Selective Color Adjustment Layers
          5. Matching Colors
          6. Photo Filter Adjustment Layers
          7. Posterizing: Your Ticket to Cartoon Art
          8. Inverting Colors
        3. Adding Color
          1. Variations
          2. Color Balance Adjustment Layers
          3. Colorizing Images
          4. Adding Solid Blocks of Color
          5. Gradient Map Adjustment Layers
      4. 9. Correcting Color and Lighting
        1. Quick Fixer-Uppers
          1. Setting Target Colors
          2. Fixing Color
          3. Fixing Lighting
            1. Brightness/Contrast Adjustment layers
            2. Shadows/Highlights adjustments
        2. Correcting Images in Camera Raw
          1. Changing White Balance
          2. Fixing Exposure
          3. Making Colors Pop
          4. Camera Raw's Adjustment Brush
          5. Camera Raw's Graduated Filters
          6. More Fun with Camera Raw
        3. Using Levels
          1. Histograms: Mountains of Information
          2. The Levels Sliders
            1. Output levels
          3. The Levels Eyedroppers
          4. Correcting by the Numbers
          5. Color-Correcting Skin
        4. Working with Curves
          1. Changing Contrast
        5. Creating High Dynamic Range Images
          1. Using Merge to HDR Pro
        6. Making Colors Pop
          1. Intensifying Colors
          2. Adjusting Hue/Saturation
          3. Adding Lab Pop
        7. Rescuing the Unfixables
      5. 10. The Beauty Salon: Photoshopping People
        1. The Great Healers
          1. The Spot Healing Brush
          2. The Healing Brush
          3. The Patch Tool
        2. Zapping Shines and Shadows
        3. Whitening Teeth
        4. Super Slimmers
          1. Fixing Flabby Chins
          2. Liquifying Bulges
          3. Slimming with the Free Transform
            1. Selective slimming
        5. Skin Softeners
          1. Selective Blur
          2. Easy Glamour Glow
          3. Softening Wrinkles with Faux Dodge and Burn
        6. Show-Stopping Eyes
          1. Enhancing Eyes
          2. Fixing Red Eye
            1. The Red Eye tool
            2. The Color Replacement tool
            3. Hue/Saturation Adjustment layers
            4. The Sponge tool
            5. Fixing red eye in Camera Raw
          3. Fixing Animal White Eye
      6. 11. The Art of Sharpening
        1. What Is Sharpening?
        2. Basic Sharpening
          1. Sharpening with the Unsharp Mask
            1. How much to sharpen?
          2. The Smart Sharpen Filter
          3. Sharpening Layered Files
          4. Sharpening Part of an Image
        3. Advanced Sharpening Techniques
          1. Creating an Edge Mask
          2. Sharpening with the High Pass Filter
        4. Sharpening in Camera Raw
          1. Global Sharpening
          2. Selective Sharpening in Camera Raw
    8. Three. The Artistic Side of Photoshop
      1. 12. Painting in Photoshop
        1. Color Theory: The Basics
        2. Selecting a Color Scheme
          1. Using a Color Wheel
          2. Using the Kuler Panel
          3. Other Color Scheme Generating Tools
        3. Choosing Individual Colors
          1. The Color Picker
          2. The Eyedropper Tool
          3. Loading Color Libraries
          4. The Swatches Panel
          5. The Color Panel
        4. (Re)Introducing the Brush Tool
          1. Controlling the Brush Cursor's Appearance
          2. Meet the Mixer Brush
          3. Painting from Scratch
          4. Loading More Built-in Brushes
            1. Making an object sparkle
        5. Customizing Brushes
          1. Brush Tip Shape
          2. Shape Dynamics
          3. Scattering
          4. Texture
          5. Dual Brush
          6. Color Dynamics
          7. Transfer
          8. Noise
          9. Wet Edges
          10. Airbrush
          11. Smoothing
          12. Protect Texture
          13. Suggested Brush Customizations
        6. Defining a New Brush
        7. Installing New Brushes
      2. 13. Drawing with the Vector Tools
        1. Photoshop's Drawing Modes
        2. Drawing Paths with the Pen Tool
          1. Drawing Straight Paths
          2. Drawing Curved Paths
          3. Converting Anchor Points
          4. Path Drawing Tips
        3. Saving Paths
        4. Drawing with the Shape Tools
          1. Using the Shape Tools
          2. Drawing Multiple Shapes on One Layer
          3. Using Custom Shapes
        5. Editing Paths
          1. Adding, Deleting, and Converting Points
          2. Selecting and Moving Paths
          3. Making Paths Intersect
          4. Adding a Stroke to a Path
          5. Filling a Path
        6. Making Selections and Masks with Paths
          1. Making a Path from a Selection
          2. Making a Clipping Path
          3. Using Vector Masks
            1. Masking with Shape layers
            2. Creating a vector mask from a path
      3. 14. Creating Artistic Text
        1. Typography 101
          1. The Face of Type
            1. Common font formats
            2. Font categories
            3. Font styles
            4. Previewing fonts
        2. Creating and Editing Text
          1. Point Text vs. Paragraph Text
          2. Moving Text
          3. Selecting Text
          4. Resizing Text
          5. Creating a Hollow Text Selection
          6. Creating Type on a Path
          7. Filling a Shape with Text
          8. Warping Text
          9. Using Find and Replace
        3. Formatting Text
          1. Formatting with the Options Bar
          2. The Character Panel
            1. A lesson in leading
            2. Learning to kern
            3. Track it out
            4. Doin' the baseline shift
            5. Other character options
            6. Orienting text
            7. Alternate ligatures and other fancy flourishes
            8. Fractional widths
            9. System Layout
            10. No Break
            11. Reset Character
            12. Close and Close Tab Group
          3. The Paragraph Panel
            1. Aligning text
            2. Hyphenation and justification
            3. Indenting text
            4. Space Before and After
        4. Special Text Effects
          1. Stroked Text
            1. The rare multi-stroked text effect
          2. Texturizing Type
            1. Texture from a photo
            2. Texture from a brush
            3. Texture from filters
          3. Placing a Photo Inside Text
          4. Converting Type to a Shape or Path
        5. More Typographic Resources
      4. 15. The Wide World of Filters
        1. The Joy of Smart Filters
        2. A Filters Tour
          1. Artistic
          2. Blur
            1. Lens Blur
          3. Brush Strokes
          4. Distort
          5. Noise
          6. Pixelate
          7. Render
          8. Sketch
          9. Stylize
            1. Emboss
          10. Texture
          11. Video
          12. Other
          13. Digimarc
          14. Browse Filters Online
          15. Lens Correction
          16. Vanishing Point
    9. Four. Printing and the Web
      1. 16. Photoshop and Print
        1. The Challenge of WYSIWYG Printing
          1. Understanding Color Gamuts and Profiles
            1. Finding and installing color profiles
          2. Calibrating Your Monitor
        2. Printer-Friendly Resizing and File Formats
          1. Resizing and Saving as a TIFF
          2. Resizing and Saving as a PDF File
        3. Printing on an Inkjet Printer
        4. Printing on a Commercial Offset Press
          1. Converting RGB Images to CMYK Using Built-In Profiles
          2. Custom RGB to CMYK Profile Conversions
          3. Using Spot Color
            1. Editing a spot channel
            2. Saving a document with spot channels
            3. Saving Spot Colors in PDF Format
          4. Printing Duotone (Multitonal) Images
          5. Proofing Images Onscreen
          6. Printing Color Separations
          7. Printing Proofs
        5. Printing on a Digital Press
          1. Printing RGB Images on a Digital Press
          2. Printing CMYK Images on a Digital Press
          3. Printing Spot Colors on a Digital Press
        6. Printing Several Images on a Page
          1. Using Picture Package and Contact Sheet
        7. Recap: Stress-Free Printing Tips
      2. 17. Photoshop and the Web
        1. Creating Web- and Email-Friendly Images
          1. Resizing Your Image
            1. Resizing Web images visually
          2. Choosing the Best File Format
          3. Saving and Compressing Your File
        2. Animating a GIF
          1. Editing Your Animation
          2. Saving Your Animation
        3. Designing a Website Favicon
        4. Creating Web-Page Mockups and Image Maps
          1. Slicing an Existing Image
          2. Modifying Slices
            1. Slice Options
          3. Saving Slices
        5. Protecting Your Images Online
          1. Embedding Copyright Info
          2. Watermarking Images
        6. Building Online Photo Galleries
    10. Five. Photoshop Power
      1. 18. Working Smarter with Actions
        1. The Actions Panel
        2. Using Actions
          1. Creating Actions
          2. Running Actions on a Folder
        3. Managing Actions
          1. Editing Actions
        4. Creating Droplets
        5. Sharing Actions
          1. Loading Actions
          2. Saving Your Actions
      2. 19. Beyond Photoshop: Plug-Ins
        1. Adding and Removing Plug-Ins
        2. Managing Plug-Ins
        3. Noise Reducers
          1. Noiseware
          2. Dfine
          3. Noise Ninja
        4. Making Selections and Masking
          1. Fluid Mask
          2. Mask Pro
        5. Color Correction and Enhancement
          1. Viveza
          2. Color Efex Pro
          3. PhotoTune
          4. PhotoTools
        6. Miscellaneous Plug-Ins
          1. LucisArt
          2. Silver Efex Pro
          3. Genuine Fractals
          4. FocalPoint
          5. Sharpener Pro
          6. Eye Candy
          7. SiteGrinder
    11. Index
    12. About the Author
    13. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly

Product information

  • Title: Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual
  • Author(s): Lesa Snider
  • Release date: May 2010
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781449390570