Chapter 8. Overlapping Input/Output

We can use MVar and threads to do asynchronous I/O, where “asynchronous” in this context means that the I/O is performed in the background while we do other tasks.

Suppose we want to download some web pages concurrently and wait for them all to download before continuing. We will use the following function to download a web page:

getURL :: String -> IO ByteString

This function is provided by the module GetURL in GetURL.hs, which is a small wrapper around the API provided by the HTTP package.

Let’s use forkIO and MVar to download two web pages at the same time:


import Control.Concurrent
import Data.ByteString as B
import GetURL

main = do
  m1 <- newEmptyMVar                                    -- 1
  m2 <- newEmptyMVar                                    -- 2

  forkIO $ do                                           -- 3
    r <- getURL ""
    putMVar m1 r

  forkIO $ do                                           -- 4
    r <- getURL ""
    putMVar m2 r

  r1 <- takeMVar m1                                     -- 5
  r2 <- takeMVar m2                                     -- 6
  print (B.length r1, B.length r2)                      -- 7
1 2

Create two new empty MVars to hold the results.


Fork a new thread to download the first URL; when the download is complete, the result is placed in the MVar m1.


Do the same for the second URL, placing the result in m2.


In the main thread, this call to takeMVar waits for the result from m1.


Similarly, wait for the result from m2 (we could do these in either order).


Finally, print out the length in bytes of each downloaded page.

This code is rather verbose. We could shorten it by using various existing higher-order combinators from the Haskell library, but a better approach would be to extract the common pattern as a new abstraction. We want a way to perform an action asynchronously and later wait for its result. So let’s define an interface that does that, using forkIO and MVar:

data Async a = Async (MVar a)

async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async action = do
  var <- newEmptyMVar
  forkIO (do r <- action; putMVar var r)
  return (Async var)

wait :: Async a -> IO a
wait (Async var) = readMVar var

First, we define an Async data type that represents an asynchronous action that has been started. Its implementation is just an MVar that will contain the result. Again, we are creating a new data type so as to hide implementation details from clients, and indeed later in this chapter we will need to extend the Async type with more information.

It is important to use readMVar in wait, because this allows multiple wait calls to be made for the same Async. If we had used a simple takeMVar, the second and subsequent calls to wait would deadlock. Multiple calls to wait for the same Async might arise if we are programming in a dataflow style, as in a program that creates a single Async and then two further Asyncs that both wait for the result of the first one. In this sense, Async is behaving rather like IVar from the Par monad (Chapter 4), although here, the individual operations are side-effecting IO operations rather than pure computations and there is no guarantee of determinism.

Now we can use the Async interface to clean up our web page downloading example:


main = do
  a1 <- async (getURL "")
  a2 <- async (getURL "")
  r1 <- wait a1
  r2 <- wait a2
  print (B.length r1, B.length r2)

Much nicer! To elaborate upon this slightly, we can make a small wrapper called timeDownload that downloads a URL and reports how much data was downloaded and how long it took, and then apply this to a list of URLs using async:


sites = ["",

timeDownload :: String -> IO ()
timeDownload url = do
  (page, time) <- timeit $ getURL url   -- 1
  printf "downloaded: %s (%d bytes, %.2fs)\n" url (B.length page) time

main = do
 as <- mapM (async . timeDownload) sites  -- 2
 mapM_ wait as                            -- 3

To time the getURL call, we use an auxiliary function timeit (defined in TimeIt.hs).


mapM maps a function over a list in a monad; in this case, the IO monad. The function we are mapping over the list is the composition of async and timeDownload. That is, for each URL in the list, we will create an Async that calls timeDownload for that URL. The result of the mapM call is the list of Asyncs created, which we bind to as.


Then we wait for each of the Asyncs to complete. Notice that in this example, each Async is returning only a () token when it completes, rather than the web page contents as in the earlier examples. Hence we’re using mapM_, a variant of mapM that ignores the result of applying the function to each list element and returns ().

The program produces output like this:

downloaded: (14524 bytes, 0.17s)
downloaded: (24740 bytes, 0.18s)
downloaded: (62586 bytes, 0.60s)
downloaded: (68897 bytes, 0.60s)
downloaded: (153065 bytes, 1.11s)

Our little Async API captures a common pattern that occurs with concurrent programming, but so far we have ignored one crucial detail: error handling. To deal with errors, we will need to understand how exceptions work in Haskell, and so the next section will review Haskell’s exception-handling support before we return to the question of error handling in Error Handling with Async.

Exceptions in Haskell

The Haskell 98 and 2010 standards provide a limited form of exceptions in the IO monad. The IO exception mechanism has been extended by the Control.Exception module that comes with GHC to include exceptions generated by purely functional code (e.g., error and pattern-matching failure), and to define an extensible hierarchy of exception types. The result of this incremental development is that there are some inconsistencies in the APIs as the Haskell 98/2010 interfaces are gradually replaced by the new, more general APIs.

Haskell has no special syntax or built-in semantics for exception handling; everything is done with library functions. Thus, the idioms for exception catching in particular may look a little strange. The tradeoff is that we are able to build higher-level exception handling combinators that embody more powerful abstractions, as we shall see shortly.

In Haskell, exceptions are thrown by the throw function:

throw :: Exception e => e -> a

Two things to note here:

  • throw takes a value of any type that is an instance of the Exception type class.
  • throw returns the unrestricted type variable a, so it can be called from anywhere.

The Exception type class is provided by the Control.Exception module and is defined as follows:

class (Typeable e, Show e) => Exception e where
  -- ...

Its methods are not important here (see the documentation for details), but the important principle is that any type that is an instance of both Typeable and Show can be an Exception.[32]

One common type used as an exception is ErrorCall:

newtype ErrorCall = ErrorCall String
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Show ErrorCall where { ... }

instance Exception ErrorCall

For example, we can throw an ErrorCall like so:

  throw (ErrorCall "oops!")

In fact, the function error from the Prelude does exactly this and is defined as:

error :: String -> a
error s = throw (ErrorCall s)

I/O operations in Haskell also throw exceptions to indicate errors, and these are usually values of the IOException type. Operations to build and inspect IOException can be found in the System.IO.Error library.

Exceptions in Haskell can be caught, but only in the IO monad. The basic exception-catching function is catch:

catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a

The catch function takes two arguments:

  • The IO operation to perform, of type IO a
  • An exception handler of type e -> IO a, where e must be an instance of the Exception class

The behavior is as follows: the IO operation in the first argument is performed, and if it throws an exception of the type expected by the handler, catch executes the handler, passing it the exception value that was thrown. So a call to catch catches only exceptions of a particular type, determined by the argument type of the exception handler.

To demonstrate this, we will need a new exception type. Let’s make our own in GHCi.[33] First some setup:

> import Prelude hiding (catch) -- not needed for GHC 7.6.1 and later
> import Control.Exception
> import Data.Typeable
> :set -XDeriveDataTypeable

Remember that to make a type an instance of Exception, it must also be an instance of Show and Typeable. To enable automatic derivation for Typeable, we need to turn on the -XDeriveDataTypeable flag.


In GHC 7.4.x and earlier, the Prelude exports a function called catch, which is similar to Control.Exception.catch but restricted to IOExceptions. If you’re using exceptions with GHC 7.4.x or earlier, you should use the following:

import Control.Exception
import Prelude hiding (catch)

Note that this code still works with GHC 7.6.1 and later, because it is now a warning, rather than an error, to mention a nonexistent identifier in a hiding clause.

Now we define a new type and make it an instance of Exception:

> data MyException = MyException deriving (Show, Typeable)
> instance Exception MyException

Then we check that we can throw it:

> throw MyException
*** Exception: MyException

OK, now to catch it. The catch function is normally used infix, like this: action `catch` \e -> handler.

If we try to call catch without adding any information about the type of exception to catch, we will get an ambiguous type error from GHCi:

> throw MyException `catch` \e -> print e

    Ambiguous type variable `a0' in the constraints:
      (Show a0) arising from a use of `print' at <interactive>:10:33-37
      (Exception a0)
        arising from a use of `catch' at <interactive>:10:19-25
    Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
    In the expression: print e
    In the second argument of `catch', namely `\ e -> print e'
    In the expression: throw MyException `catch` \ e -> print e

So we need to add an extra type signature to tell GHCi which type of exceptions we wanted to catch:

> throw MyException `catch` \e -> print (e :: MyException)

The exception was successfully thrown, caught by the catch function, and printed by the exception handler. If we throw a different type of exception, it won’t be caught by this handler:

> throw (ErrorCall "oops") `catch` \e -> print (e :: MyException)
*** Exception: oops

What if we wanted to catch any exception? In fact, it is possible to do this because the exception types form a hierarchy, and at the top of the hierarchy is a type called SomeException that includes all exception types. Therefore, to catch any exception, we can write an exception handler that catches the SomeException type:

> throw (ErrorCall "oops") `catch` \e -> print (e :: SomeException)

Writing an exception handler that catches all exceptions is useful in only a couple of cases, though:

  • Testing and debugging, as in the above example
  • Performing some cleanup, before re-throwing the exception

Catching SomeException and then continuing is not good practice in production code, because for obvious reasons it isn’t a good idea to ignore unknown error conditions.

The catch function is not the only way to catch exceptions. Sometimes it is more convenient to use the try variant instead:

try :: Exception e => IO a -> IO (Either e a)

For example:

> try (readFile "nonexistent") :: IO (Either IOException String)
Left nonexistent: openFile: does not exist (No such file or directory)

Another variant of catch is handle, which is just catch with its arguments reversed:

handle :: Exception e => (e -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a

This is particularly useful when the exception handler is short but the action is long. In this case, we can use a pattern like this:

  handle (\e -> ...) $ do

It is often useful to be able to perform some operation if an exception is raised and then re-throw the exception. For this, the onException function is provided:

onException :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a

This is straightforwardly defined using catch:

onException io what
   = io `catch` \e -> do _ <- what
                         throwIO (e :: SomeException)

To re-throw the exception here we used throwIO, which is a variant of throw for use in the IO monad:

throwIO :: Exception e => e -> IO a


It is always better to use throwIO rather than throw in the IO monad because throwIO guarantees strict ordering with respect to other IO operations, whereas throw does not.

We end this short introduction to exceptions in Haskell with two very useful functions, bracket and finally:

bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c

finally :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a

These are two of the higher-level abstractions mentioned earlier. The bracket function allows us to set up an exception handler to reliably deallocate a resource or perform some cleanup operation. For example, suppose we want to create a temporary file on the file system, perform some operation on it, and have the temporary file reliably removed afterward—even if an exception occurred during the operation. We could use bracket like so:

  bracket (newTempFile "temp")
          (\file -> removeFile file)
          (\file -> ...)

In a call bracket a b c, the first argument a is the operation that allocates the resource (in this case, creating the temporary file), the second argument b deallocates the resource again (in this case, deleting the temporary file), and the third argument c is the operation to perform. Both b and c take the result of a as an argument. In this case, that means they have access to the name of the temporary file that was created.

The bracket function is readily defined using the pieces we already have:

bracket :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO c) -> IO c
bracket before after during = do
  a <- before
  c <- during a `onException` after a
  after a
  return c

This definition suffices for now, but note that later in Chapter 9, we will revise it to add safety in the presence of thread cancellation.

The finally function is a special case of bracket:

finally :: IO a -> IO b -> IO a
finally io after = do
  io `onException` after

Again, we will be revising this definition later.

Error Handling with Async

If we run the geturls2 example with the network cable unplugged, we see something like this:

$ ./geturls2
geturls2: connect: does not exist (No route to host)
geturls2: connect: does not exist (No route to host)
geturls2: thread blocked indefinitely in an MVar operation

What happens is that the two calls to getURL fail with an exception, as they should. This exception propagates to the top of the thread that async created, where it is caught by the default exception handler that every forkIO thread gets. The default exception handler prints the exception to stderr, and then the thread terminates. So in geturls2, we see two network errors printed. But now, because these threads have not called putMVar to pass a result back to the main thread, the main thread is still blocked in takeMVar. When the child threads exit after printing their error messages, the main thread is then deadlocked. The runtime system notices this and sends it the BlockedIndefinitelyOnMVar exception, which leads to the third error message, shown earlier.

This explains what we saw, but clearly this behavior is not what we want: the program is deadlocked after the error rather than exiting gracefully or handling it. The natural behavior would be for the error to be made available to the thread that calls wait because that way the caller can find out whether the asynchronous computation returned an error or a result and act accordingly. Moreover, a particularly convenient behavior is for wait to simply propagate the exception in the current thread so that in the common case the programmer need not write any error-handling code at all.

To implement this, we need to elaborate on Async slightly:


data Async a = Async (MVar (Either SomeException a)) -- 1

async :: IO a -> IO (Async a)
async action = do
  var <- newEmptyMVar
  forkIO (do r <- try action; putMVar var r)  -- 2
  return (Async var)

waitCatch :: Async a -> IO (Either SomeException a) -- 3
waitCatch (Async var) = readMVar var

wait :: Async a -> IO a -- 4
wait a = do
  r <- waitCatch a
  case r of
    Left e  -> throwIO e
    Right a -> return a

Where previously we had MVar a, now we have MVar (Either SomeException a). If the MVar contains Right a, then the operation completed successfully and returned value a; whereas if it contains Left e, then the operation threw the exception e.


The action is now wrapped in try, which returns Either SomeException a—exactly the type we need to put into the MVar. Earlier, we cautioned that catching SomeException is often not a good idea, but this is one case where it is fine because we are catching exceptions in one thread with the intention of propagating them to another thread, and we want the behavior to be the same for all exceptions.


Now we will provide two ways to wait for the result of an Async. The first, waitCatch, returns Either SomeException a so the caller can handle the error immediately.


The second way to wait for a result is wait, which has the same type as before. However, now, if wait finds that the Async resulted in an exception, the exception is re-thrown by wait itself. This implements the convenient error-propagating behavior mentioned previously.

Using this new Async layer, our geturls example now fails more gracefully (see geturls4.hs for the complete code):

$ ./geturls4
geturls4: connect: timeout (Connection timed out)
[3]    25198 exit 1     ./geturls4

The program exited with an error code after the first failure, rather than deadlocking as before.

The basic Async API is the same as before—async and wait have the same types—but now it has error-handling built in, and it is much harder for the programmer to accidentally forget to handle errors. The only way to ignore an error is to ignore the result as well.


Suppose we want to wait for one of several different events to occur. For example, when downloading multiple URLs, we want to perform some action as soon as the first one has downloaded.

The pattern for doing this with MVar is that each of the separate actions must put its results into the same MVar, so that we can then call takeMVar to wait for the first such event to occur. Here is the geturls3.hs example from Chapter 8, modified to wait for the first URL to complete downloading and then to report which one it was.


sites = ["",

main :: IO ()
main = do
  m <- newEmptyMVar
    download url = do
       r <- getURL url
       putMVar m (url, r)

  mapM_ (forkIO . download) sites

  (url, r) <- takeMVar m
  printf "%s was first (%d bytes)\n" url (B.length r)
  replicateM_ (length sites - 1) (takeMVar m)

Here, we create a single MVar and then fork a thread for each of the URLs to download. Each thread writes its result into the same MVar, where the result is now a pair of the URL and its contents. The main thread takes the first result from the MVar, announces which URL was the quickest to download, and then waits for the rest of the results to arrive.

$ ./geturls5 was first (10483 bytes)

While this pattern works, it can be a little inconvenient to arrange it so that all the events feed into the same MVar. For example, suppose we want to extend our Async API to allow waiting for either of two Asyncs simultaneously, returning the result of the first one to succeed or propagating the exception if either Async fails. The function we want is waitEither, with this type:

waitEither :: Async a -> Async b -> Async (Either a b)

Note that because the input Asyncs have already been created, we are too late to tell them to put their results into the same MVar. Instead, we have to create two new threads to collect the results of each Async and merge them into a new MVar:


waitEither :: Async a -> Async b -> IO (Either a b)
waitEither a b = do
  m <- newEmptyMVar
  forkIO $ do r <- try (fmap Left  (wait a)); putMVar m r
  forkIO $ do r <- try (fmap Right (wait b)); putMVar m r
  wait (Async m)

To get the right error-handling behavior, waitEither uses wait to grab each result wrapped in a try to catch any exceptions and then puts each result into the newly created MVar m. Then we make a new Async from m and wait for the result of that.

We can generalize waitEither to wait for a list of Asyncs, returning the result from the first one to complete:

waitAny :: [Async a] -> IO a
waitAny as = do
  m <- newEmptyMVar
  let forkwait a = forkIO $ do r <- try (wait a); putMVar m r
  mapM_ forkwait as
  wait (Async m)

Now, waitAny can be used to rewrite geturls5.hs using Async:


main :: IO ()
main = do
    download url = do
       r <- getURL url
       return (url, r)

  as <- mapM (async . download) sites

  (url, r) <- waitAny as
  printf "%s was first (%d bytes)\n" url (B.length r)
  mapM_ wait as

The code for waitAny is quite short and does the job, but it is slightly annoying to have to create an extra thread per Async for this simple operation. Threads might be cheap, but we ought to be able to merge multiple sources of events more directly. Later in Chapter 10, we will see how software transactional memory allows a neater and more efficient implementation of waitAny.

[32] An introduction to Typeable is beyond the scope of this book; please refer to the documentation for the module Data.Typeable.

[33] For this example to work in GHCi, you will need at least GHC 7.4.1

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