In the optical receiver using lenses, the aperture field is imaged on to the focal plane, where the photodetector is placed. The photodetector, therefore, responds to the imaged field on its collecting surface. Two important parameters are the amount of power in the detector field and the receiver field of view.
Detector field power can be determined by direct application of Parceval's theorem in two-dimensional transform theory. Let f1(x, y) ↔ F1(u, ν) and f2(x, y) ↔ F2(u, ν) be two transform pairs. Then Parceval's theorem states
When f1 = f2, this reduces to
This can be related to the integrals of the aperture and to the focused fields of an optical lens, which are themselves transforms. In particular, it can be stated that a direct relationship exists between spatial integrals of focused fields after lens transformations. Let us apply the field power definitions in Eq. (1.3.3) with
Then, by use of Eq. (2.1.4), the integral in Eq. (2.2.3) becomes
where Fr(t, ω1, ω2) is the inverse Fourier transform of fr(t, x, y) over the aperture area ...
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