

AboveTEK Flexible Arm Stand, 235

accepting. See also answering

contact requests in Skype, 123

email invitations

for Google Meet, 154

for Microsoft Teams, 163-164

for Zoom, 47-48

text invitations for Zoom, 50

accessories for video chats

backgrounds and green screens, 230-231

earbuds, 226

headphones, 223-225

headsets, 225-226

importance of quality, 221

laptop stands, 232-233

lighting, 227-229

microphones, 220-223

tablet stands, 234-235

tripods, 235-236

webcams, 218-220

where to buy, 232

Active Speaker View (Zoom), 53

active video chat, 8

activities for virtual celebrations, 245



in Skype, 122-123

in Zoom, 90


to Facebook Messenger calls, 110-111

in Group FaceTime, 102-103

in Skype, 126-127

in WhatsApp, 139

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