Chapter 2. First Steps in Excel Power Query

In Chapter 1, tables were introduced as the gateway to modern Excel analytics. The following chapters of Part I delve deeper into the modern Excel toolkit, particularly Power Query. This tool addresses many of Excel’s traditional limitations and offers a user-friendly, low-code environment.

What Is Power Query?

Power Query is a data connection technology that enables users to easily connect to, combine, and refine data from a wide range of sources from within Excel. Initially introduced as an add-in, it has become a core feature of modern Excel, significantly simplifying the data import and cleaning process. Power Query offers a user-friendly interface for performing complex data manipulations, such as merging tables, transforming data formats, and aggregating information, without requiring advanced programming skills.

Power Query as Excel Myth Buster

Analysts act as myth busters, challenging assumptions and revealing truths. Even in the domain of Excel, a legendary business tool, myths can arise. However, many of these myths no longer hold true. Power Query has successfully debunked numerous claims, positioning itself as the ultimate myth buster for Excel. The next section will refute common claims about Excel using Power Query.

“Excel Is Not Reproducible”

It’s a common scenario: you find yourself under pressure, facing imminent deadlines and an intrusive manager, while attempting to revise a report from the previous week. The original ...

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