Cable Act (1992), 903, 923, 925, 930–933
Cable Act (1996), 7
Cable antenna relay service (CARS), 18, 935–936
reserved frequencies for, 594
Cable area network (CAN), 751–752
Cable drop. See Drop cable
CableHome, 979–982
CableLabs (Cable Television Laboratories), 8, 15, 194
CableHome, 979–982
CW tester, 677
direct pickup interference, 944, 945
early testing, 63–65
failure rates, 803–807, 809
OpenCable, 130–131, 848, 894–900, 937
Outage Reduction, 719–720, 790–792
PacketCable, 272, 273, 276, 848–849
standards, 847, 848, 937, 951
Cable modems, DOCSIS protocol for, 194–207
Cable modem termination system (CMTS), 167–168, 188, 195, 203
Cable network design, 14–16
Cable Network Interface specification, 132
Cable services
categories ...

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