Camera Body Reference

Following are the locations and names of all the controls mentioned in this book. You may want to place a bookmark here so you can refer back to this control location reference list when an unfamiliar control name is mentioned in the book. This list covers all external camera controls, showing their locations and Nikon-supplied names.


Figure 1: Back of camera

Back of Camera (figure 1)

  1. 1. Viewfinder (EVF)
  2. 2. Viewfinder rubber eyepiece
  3. 3. Eye sensor
  4. 4. Monitor mode button
  5. 5. Zoom in control
  6. 6. Zoom out/help control
  7. 7. DISP control
  8. 8. Monitor (tilting)
  9. 9. i button (opens i Menu)
  10. 10. Playback button
  11. 11. Delete button
  12. 12. MENU ...

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