Chapter 2. Testing APIs

Chapter 1 covered the different types of APIs and the value that they provide to your architecture. This chapter closes out the Designing, Building, and Testing APIs section of this book by reviewing approaches to testing APIs. The new Attendee API that was extracted within the Introduction should obviously be tested and validated. We believe that testing is core to building APIs. It helps provide a high level of confidence to you that your service is working as expected, which will help you deliver a quality product to consumers of your API. It is only by testing your API under varying conditions that you will gain the confidence that it is operating correctly.

When building APIs, as with creating any product, the only way to verify that the product works as expected is to test it. In the case of a mouthguard, this can mean stretching, hitting, pushing, and pulling the product, or even running simulations.1

As discussed in “Specifying REST APIs Using OpenAPI”, an API should not return anything that differs from what is documented. It is also frustrating when an API introduces breaking changes or causes network timeouts due to the large duration of time to retrieve a result. These types of issues drive customers away and are entirely preventable by creating quality tests around the API service. Any API built should be ready to fulfill a variety of requirements, including sending useful feedback to users who provide a bad input, being secure, and returning ...

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