Chapter 1. Introduction to Apache Spark: A Unified Analytics Engine

This chapter lays out the origins of Apache Spark and its underlying philosophy. It also surveys the main components of the project and its distributed architecture. If you are familiar with Spark’s history and the high-level concepts, you can skip this chapter.

The Genesis of Spark

In this section, we’ll chart the course of Apache Spark’s short evolution: its genesis, inspiration, and adoption in the community as a de facto big data unified processing engine.

Big Data and Distributed Computing at Google

When we think of scale, we can’t help but think of the ability of Google’s search engine to index and search the world’s data on the internet at lightning speed. The name Google is synonymous with scale. In fact, Google is a deliberate misspelling of the mathematical term googol: that’s 1 plus 100 zeros!

Neither traditional storage systems such as relational database management systems (RDBMSs) nor imperative ways of programming were able to handle the scale at which Google wanted to build and search the internet’s indexed documents. The resulting need for new approaches led to the creation of the Google File System (GFS), MapReduce (MR), and Bigtable.

While GFS provided a fault-tolerant and distributed filesystem across many commodity hardware servers in a cluster farm, Bigtable offered scalable storage of structured data across GFS. MR introduced a new parallel programming paradigm, based on functional programming, for large-scale processing of data distributed over GFS and Bigtable.

In essence, your MR applications interact with the MapReduce system that sends computation code (map and reduce functions) to where the data resides, favoring data locality and cluster rack affinity rather than bringing data to your application.

The workers in the cluster aggregate and reduce the intermediate computations and produce a final appended output from the reduce function, which is then written to a distributed storage where it is accessible to your application. This approach significantly reduces network traffic and keeps most of the input/output (I/O) local to disk rather than distributing it over the network.

Most of the work Google did was proprietary, but the ideas expressed in the aforementioned three papers spurred innovative ideas elsewhere in the open source community—especially at Yahoo!, which was dealing with similar big data challenges of scale for its search engine.

Hadoop at Yahoo!

The computational challenges and solutions expressed in Google’s GFS paper provided a blueprint for the Hadoop File System (HDFS), including the MapReduce implementation as a framework for distributed computing. Donated to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), a vendor-neutral non-profit organization, in April 2006, it became part of the Apache Hadoop framework of related modules: Hadoop Common, MapReduce, HDFS, and Apache Hadoop YARN.

Although Apache Hadoop had garnered widespread adoption outside Yahoo!, inspiring a large open source community of contributors and two open source–based commercial companies (Cloudera and Hortonworks, now merged), the MapReduce framework on HDFS had a few shortcomings.

First, it was hard to manage and administer, with cumbersome operational complexity. Second, its general batch-processing MapReduce API was verbose and required a lot of boilerplate setup code, with brittle fault tolerance. Third, with large batches of data jobs with many pairs of MR tasks, each pair’s intermediate computed result is written to the local disk for the subsequent stage of its operation (see Figure 1-1). This repeated performance of disk I/O took its toll: large MR jobs could run for hours on end, or even days.

Intermittent iteration of reads and writes between map and reduce computations
Figure 1-1. Intermittent iteration of reads and writes between map and reduce computations

And finally, even though Hadoop MR was conducive to large-scale jobs for general batch processing, it fell short for combining other workloads such as machine learning, streaming, or interactive SQL-like queries.

To handle these new workloads, engineers developed bespoke systems (Apache Hive, Apache Storm, Apache Impala, Apache Giraph, Apache Drill, Apache Mahout, etc.), each with their own APIs and cluster configurations, further adding to the operational complexity of Hadoop and the steep learning curve for developers.

The question then became (bearing in mind Alan Kay’s adage, “Simple things should be simple, complex things should be possible”), was there a way to make Hadoop and MR simpler and faster?

Spark’s Early Years at AMPLab

Researchers at UC Berkeley who had previously worked on Hadoop MapReduce took on this challenge with a project they called Spark. They acknowledged that MR was inefficient (or intractable) for interactive or iterative computing jobs and a complex framework to learn, so from the onset they embraced the idea of making Spark simpler, faster, and easier. This endeavor started in 2009 at the RAD Lab, which later became the AMPLab (and now is known as the RISELab).

Early papers published on Spark demonstrated that it was 10 to 20 times faster than Hadoop MapReduce for certain jobs. Today, it’s many orders of magnitude faster. The central thrust of the Spark project was to bring in ideas borrowed from Hadoop MapReduce, but to enhance the system: make it highly fault tolerant and embarrassingly parallel, support in-memory storage for intermediate results between iterative and interactive map and reduce computations, offer easy and composable APIs in multiple languages as a programming model, and support other workloads in a unified manner. We’ll come back to this idea of unification shortly, as it’s an important theme in Spark.

By 2013 Spark had gained widespread use, and some of its original creators and researchers—Matei Zaharia, Ali Ghodsi, Reynold Xin, Patrick Wendell, Ion Stoica, and Andy Konwinski—donated the Spark project to the ASF and formed a company called Databricks.

Databricks and the community of open source developers worked to release Apache Spark 1.0 in May 2014, under the governance of the ASF. This first major release established the momentum for frequent future releases and contributions of notable features to Apache Spark from Databricks and over 100 commercial vendors.

What Is Apache Spark?

Apache Spark is a unified engine designed for large-scale distributed data processing, on premises in data centers or in the cloud.

Spark provides in-memory storage for intermediate computations, making it much faster than Hadoop MapReduce. It incorporates libraries with composable APIs for machine learning (MLlib), SQL for interactive queries (Spark SQL), stream processing (Structured Streaming) for interacting with real-time data, and graph processing (GraphX).

Spark’s design philosophy centers around four key characteristics:

  • Speed

  • Ease of use

  • Modularity

  • Extensibility

Let’s take a look at what this means for the framework.


Spark has pursued the goal of speed in several ways. First, its internal implementation benefits immensely from the hardware industry’s recent huge strides in improving the price and performance of CPUs and memory. Today’s commodity servers come cheap, with hundreds of gigabytes of memory, multiple cores, and the underlying Unix-based operating system taking advantage of efficient multithreading and parallel processing. The framework is optimized to take advantage of all of these factors.

Second, Spark builds its query computations as a directed acyclic graph (DAG); its DAG scheduler and query optimizer construct an efficient computational graph that can usually be decomposed into tasks that are executed in parallel across workers on the cluster. And third, its physical execution engine, Tungsten, uses whole-stage code generation to generate compact code for execution (we will cover SQL optimization and whole-stage code generation in Chapter 3).

With all the intermediate results retained in memory and its limited disk I/O, this gives it a huge performance boost.

Ease of Use

Spark achieves simplicity by providing a fundamental abstraction of a simple logical data structure called a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) upon which all other higher-level structured data abstractions, such as DataFrames and Datasets, are constructed. By providing a set of transformations and actions as operations, Spark offers a simple programming model that you can use to build big data applications in familiar languages.


Spark operations can be applied across many types of workloads and expressed in any of the supported programming languages: Scala, Java, Python, SQL, and R. Spark offers unified libraries with well-documented APIs that include the following modules as core components: Spark SQL, Spark Structured Streaming, Spark MLlib, and GraphX, combining all the workloads running under one engine. We’ll take a closer look at all of these in the next section.

You can write a single Spark application that can do it all—no need for distinct engines for disparate workloads, no need to learn separate APIs. With Spark, you get a unified processing engine for your workloads.


Spark focuses on its fast, parallel computation engine rather than on storage. Unlike Apache Hadoop, which included both storage and compute, Spark decouples the two. That means you can use Spark to read data stored in myriad sources—Apache Hadoop, Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, MongoDB, Apache Hive, RDBMSs, and more—and process it all in memory. Spark’s DataFrameReaders and DataFrameWriters can also be extended to read data from other sources, such as Apache Kafka, Kinesis, Azure Storage, and Amazon S3, into its logical data abstraction, on which it can operate.

The community of Spark developers maintains a list of third-party Spark packages as part of the growing ecosystem (see Figure 1-2). This rich ecosystem of packages includes Spark connectors for a variety of external data sources, performance monitors, and more.

Apache Spark’s ecosystem of connectors
Figure 1-2. Apache Spark’s ecosystem of connectors

Unified Analytics

While the notion of unification is not unique to Spark, it is a core component of its design philosophy and evolution. In November 2016, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) recognized Apache Spark and conferred upon its original creators the prestigious ACM Award for their paper describing Apache Spark as a “Unified Engine for Big Data Processing.” The award-winning paper notes that Spark replaces all the separate batch processing, graph, stream, and query engines like Storm, Impala, Dremel, Pregel, etc. with a unified stack of components that addresses diverse workloads under a single distributed fast engine.

Apache Spark Components as a Unified Stack

As shown in Figure 1-3, Spark offers four distinct components as libraries for diverse workloads: Spark SQL, Spark MLlib, Spark Structured Streaming, and GraphX. Each of these components is separate from Spark’s core fault-tolerant engine, in that you use APIs to write your Spark application and Spark converts this into a DAG that is executed by the core engine. So whether you write your Spark code using the provided Structured APIs (which we will cover in Chapter 3) in Java, R, Scala, SQL, or Python, the underlying code is decomposed into highly compact bytecode that is executed in the workers’ JVMs across the cluster.

Apache Spark components and API stack
Figure 1-3. Apache Spark components and API stack

Let’s look at each of these components in more detail.

Spark SQL

This module works well with structured data. You can read data stored in an RDBMS table or from file formats with structured data (CSV, text, JSON, Avro, ORC, Parquet, etc.) and then construct permanent or temporary tables in Spark. Also, when using Spark’s Structured APIs in Java, Python, Scala, or R, you can combine SQL-like queries to query the data just read into a Spark DataFrame. To date, Spark SQL is ANSI SQL:2003-compliant and it also functions as a pure SQL engine.

For example, in this Scala code snippet, you can read from a JSON file stored on Amazon S3, create a temporary table, and issue a SQL-like query on the results read into memory as a Spark DataFrame:

// In Scala
// Read data off Amazon S3 bucket into a Spark DataFrame"s3://apache_spark/data/committers.json")
// Issue a SQL query and return the result as a Spark DataFrame
val results = spark.sql("""SELECT name, org, module, release, num_commits
    FROM committers WHERE module = 'mllib' AND num_commits > 10
    ORDER BY num_commits DESC""")

You can write similar code snippets in Python, R, or Java, and the generated bytecode will be identical, resulting in the same performance.

Spark MLlib

Spark comes with a library containing common machine learning (ML) algorithms called MLlib. Since Spark’s first release, the performance of this library component has improved significantly because of Spark 2.x’s underlying engine enhancements. MLlib provides many popular machine learning algorithms built atop high-level DataFrame-based APIs to build models.


Starting with Apache Spark 1.6, the MLlib project is split between two packages: spark.mllib and The DataFrame-based API is the latter while the former contains the RDD-based APIs, which are now in maintenance mode. All new features go into This book refers to “MLlib” as the umbrella library for machine learning in Apache Spark.

These APIs allow you to extract or transform features, build pipelines (for training and evaluating), and persist models (for saving and reloading them) during deployment. Additional utilities include the use of common linear algebra operations and statistics. MLlib includes other low-level ML primitives, including a generic gradient descent optimization. The following Python code snippet encapsulates the basic operations a data scientist may do when building a model (more extensive examples will be discussed in Chapters 10 and 11):

# In Python
from import LogisticRegression
training ="s3://...")
test ="s3://...")

# Load training data
lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=10, regParam=0.3, elasticNetParam=0.8)

# Fit the model
lrModel =

# Predict

Spark Structured Streaming

Apache Spark 2.0 introduced an experimental Continuous Streaming model and Structured Streaming APIs, built atop the Spark SQL engine and DataFrame-based APIs. By Spark 2.2, Structured Streaming was generally available, meaning that developers could use it in their production environments.

Necessary for big data developers to combine and react in real time to both static data and streaming data from engines like Apache Kafka and other streaming sources, the new model views a stream as a continually growing table, with new rows of data appended at the end. Developers can merely treat this as a structured table and issue queries against it as they would a static table.

Underneath the Structured Streaming model, the Spark SQL core engine handles all aspects of fault tolerance and late-data semantics, allowing developers to focus on writing streaming applications with relative ease. This new model obviated the old DStreams model in Spark’s 1.x series, which we will discuss in more detail in Chapter 8. Furthermore, Spark 2.x and Spark 3.0 extended the range of streaming data sources to include Apache Kafka, Kinesis, and HDFS-based or cloud storage.

The following code snippet shows the typical anatomy of a Structured Streaming application. It reads from a localhost socket and writes the word count results to an Apache Kafka topic:

# In Python
# Read a stream from a local host
from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, split
lines = (spark 
  .option("host", "localhost")
  .option("port", 9999)

# Perform transformation
# Split the lines into words
words =, " ")).alias("word"))

# Generate running word count
word_counts = words.groupBy("word").count()

# Write out to the stream to Kafka
query = (word_counts
  .option("topic", "output"))


As the name suggests, GraphX is a library for manipulating graphs (e.g., social network graphs, routes and connection points, or network topology graphs) and performing graph-parallel computations. It offers the standard graph algorithms for analysis, connections, and traversals, contributed by users in the community: the available algorithms include PageRank, Connected Components, and Triangle Counting.1

This code snippet shows a simple example of how to join two graphs using the GraphX APIs:

// In Scala
val graph = Graph(vertices, edges)
messages = spark.textFile("hdfs://...")
val graph2 = graph.joinVertices(messages) {
  (id, vertex, msg) => ...

Apache Spark’s Distributed Execution

If you have read this far, you already know that Spark is a distributed data processing engine with its components working collaboratively on a cluster of machines. Before we explore programming with Spark in the following chapters of this book, you need to understand how all the components of Spark’s distributed architecture work together and communicate, and what deployment modes are available.

Let’s start by looking at each of the individual components shown in Figure 1-4 and how they fit into the architecture. At a high level in the Spark architecture, a Spark application consists of a driver program that is responsible for orchestrating parallel operations on the Spark cluster. The driver accesses the distributed components in the cluster—the Spark executors and cluster manager—through a SparkSession.

Apache Spark components and architecture
Figure 1-4. Apache Spark components and architecture

Spark driver

As the part of the Spark application responsible for instantiating a SparkSession, the Spark driver has multiple roles: it communicates with the cluster manager; it requests resources (CPU, memory, etc.) from the cluster manager for Spark’s executors (JVMs); and it transforms all the Spark operations into DAG computations, schedules them, and distributes their execution as tasks across the Spark executors. Once the resources are allocated, it communicates directly with the executors.


In Spark 2.0, the SparkSession became a unified conduit to all Spark operations and data. Not only did it subsume previous entry points to Spark like the SparkContext, SQLContext, HiveContext, SparkConf, and StreamingContext, but it also made working with Spark simpler and easier.


Although in Spark 2.x the SparkSession subsumes all other contexts, you can still access the individual contexts and their respective methods. In this way, the community maintained backward compatibility. That is, your old 1.x code with SparkContext or SQLContext will still work.

Through this one conduit, you can create JVM runtime parameters, define DataFrames and Datasets, read from data sources, access catalog metadata, and issue Spark SQL queries. SparkSession provides a single unified entry point to all of Spark’s functionality.

In a standalone Spark application, you can create a SparkSession using one of the high-level APIs in the programming language of your choice. In the Spark shell (more on this in the next chapter) the SparkSession is created for you, and you can access it via a global variable called spark or sc.

Whereas in Spark 1.x you would have had to create individual contexts (for streaming, SQL, etc.), introducing extra boilerplate code, in a Spark 2.x application you can create a SparkSession per JVM and use it to perform a number of Spark operations.

Let’s take a look at an example:

// In Scala
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

// Build SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession
  .config("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 6)
// Use the session to read JSON 
val people ="...")
// Use the session to issue a SQL query
val resultsDF = spark.sql("SELECT city, pop, state, zip FROM table_name")

Cluster manager

The cluster manager is responsible for managing and allocating resources for the cluster of nodes on which your Spark application runs. Currently, Spark supports four cluster managers: the built-in standalone cluster manager, Apache Hadoop YARN, Apache Mesos, and Kubernetes.

Spark executor

A Spark executor runs on each worker node in the cluster. The executors communicate with the driver program and are responsible for executing tasks on the workers. In most deployments modes, only a single executor runs per node.

Deployment modes

An attractive feature of Spark is its support for myriad deployment modes, enabling Spark to run in different configurations and environments. Because the cluster manager is agnostic to where it runs (as long as it can manage Spark’s executors and fulfill resource requests), Spark can be deployed in some of the most popular environments—such as Apache Hadoop YARN and Kubernetes—and can operate in different modes. Table 1-1 summarizes the available deployment modes.

Table 1-1. Cheat sheet for Spark deployment modes
Mode Spark driver Spark executor Cluster manager
Local Runs on a single JVM, like a laptop or single node Runs on the same JVM as the driver Runs on the same host
Standalone Can run on any node in the cluster Each node in the cluster will launch its own executor JVM Can be allocated arbitrarily to any host in the cluster
YARN (client) Runs on a client, not part of the cluster YARN’s NodeManager’s container YARN’s Resource Manager works with YARN’s Application Master to allocate the containers on NodeManagers for executors
YARN (cluster) Runs with the YARN Application Master Same as YARN client mode Same as YARN client mode
Kubernetes Runs in a Kubernetes pod Each worker runs within its own pod Kubernetes Master

Distributed data and partitions

Actual physical data is distributed across storage as partitions residing in either HDFS or cloud storage (see Figure 1-5). While the data is distributed as partitions across the physical cluster, Spark treats each partition as a high-level logical data abstraction—as a DataFrame in memory. Though this is not always possible, each Spark executor is preferably allocated a task that requires it to read the partition closest to it in the network, observing data locality.

Data is distributed across physical machines
Figure 1-5. Data is distributed across physical machines

Partitioning allows for efficient parallelism. A distributed scheme of breaking up data into chunks or partitions allows Spark executors to process only data that is close to them, minimizing network bandwidth. That is, each executor’s core is assigned its own data partition to work on (see Figure 1-6).

Each executor’s core gets a partition of data to work on
Figure 1-6. Each executor’s core gets a partition of data to work on

For example, this code snippet will break up the physical data stored across clusters into eight partitions, and each executor will get one or more partitions to read into its memory:

# In Python
log_df ="path_to_large_text_file").repartition(8)

And this code will create a DataFrame of 10,000 integers distributed over eight partitions in memory:

# In Python
df = spark.range(0, 10000, 1, 8)

Both code snippets will print out 8.

In Chapters 3 and 7, we will discuss how to tune and change partitioning configuration for maximum parallelism based on how many cores you have on your executors.

The Developer’s Experience

Of all the developers’ delights, none is more attractive than a set of composable APIs that increase productivity and are easy to use, intuitive, and expressive. One of Apache Spark’s principal appeals to developers has been its easy-to-use APIs for operating on small to large data sets, across languages: Scala, Java, Python, SQL, and R.

One primary motivation behind Spark 2.x was to unify and simplify the framework by limiting the number of concepts that developers have to grapple with. Spark 2.x introduced higher-level abstraction APIs as domain-specific language constructs, which made programming Spark highly expressive and a pleasant developer experience. You express what you want the task or operation to compute, not how to compute it, and let Spark ascertain how best to do it for you. We will cover these Structured APIs in Chapter 3, but first let’s take a look at who the Spark developers are.

Who Uses Spark, and for What?

Not surprisingly, most developers who grapple with big data are data engineers, data scientists, or machine learning engineers. They are drawn to Spark because it allows them to build a range of applications using a single engine, with familiar programming languages.

Of course, developers may wear many hats and sometimes do both data science and data engineering tasks, especially in startup companies or smaller engineering groups. Among all these tasks, however, data—massive amounts of data—is the foundation.

Data science tasks

As a discipline that has come to prominence in the era of big data, data science is about using data to tell stories. But before they can narrate the stories, data scientists have to cleanse the data, explore it to discover patterns, and build models to predict or suggest outcomes. Some of these tasks require knowledge of statistics, mathematics, computer science, and programming.

Most data scientists are proficient in using analytical tools like SQL, comfortable with libraries like NumPy and pandas, and conversant in programming languages like R and Python. But they must also know how to wrangle or transform data, and how to use established classification, regression, or clustering algorithms for building models. Often their tasks are iterative, interactive or ad hoc, or experimental to assert their hypotheses.

Fortunately, Spark supports these different tools. Spark’s MLlib offers a common set of machine learning algorithms to build model pipelines, using high-level estimators, transformers, and data featurizers. Spark SQL and the Spark shell facilitate interactive and ad hoc exploration of data.

Additionally, Spark enables data scientists to tackle large data sets and scale their model training and evaluation. Apache Spark 2.4 introduced a new gang scheduler, as part of Project Hydrogen, to accommodate the fault-tolerant needs of training and scheduling deep learning models in a distributed manner, and Spark 3.0 has introduced the ability to support GPU resource collection in the standalone, YARN, and Kubernetes deployment modes. This means developers whose tasks demand deep learning techniques can use Spark.

Data engineering tasks

After building their models, data scientists often need to work with other team members, who may be responsible for deploying the models. Or they may need to work closely with others to build and transform raw, dirty data into clean data that is easily consumable or usable by other data scientists. For example, a classification or clustering model does not exist in isolation; it works in conjunction with other components like a web application or a streaming engine such as Apache Kafka, or as part of a larger data pipeline. This pipeline is often built by data engineers.

Data engineers have a strong understanding of software engineering principles and methodologies, and possess skills for building scalable data pipelines for a stated business use case. Data pipelines enable end-to-end transformations of raw data coming from myriad sources—data is cleansed so that it can be consumed downstream by developers, stored in the cloud or in NoSQL or RDBMSs for report generation, or made accessible to data analysts via business intelligence tools.

Spark 2.x introduced an evolutionary streaming model called continuous applications with Structured Streaming (discussed in detail in Chapter 8). With Structured Streaming APIs, data engineers can build complex data pipelines that enable them to ETL data from both real-time and static data sources.

Data engineers use Spark because it provides a simple way to parallelize computations and hides all the complexity of distribution and fault tolerance. This leaves them free to focus on using high-level DataFrame-based APIs and domain-specific language (DSL) queries to do ETL, reading and combining data from multiple sources.

The performance improvements in Spark 2.x and Spark 3.0, due to the Catalyst optimizer for SQL and Tungsten for compact code generation, have made life for data engineers much easier. They can choose to use any of the three Spark APIs—RDDs, DataFrames, or Datasets—that suit the task at hand, and reap the benefits of Spark.

Community Adoption and Expansion

Not surprisingly, Apache Spark struck a chord in the open source community, especially among data engineers and data scientists. Its design philosophy and its inclusion as an Apache Software Foundation project have fostered immense interest among the developer community.

Today, there are over 600 Apache Spark Meetup groups globally with close to half a million members. Every week, someone in the world is giving a talk at a meetup or conference or sharing a blog post on how to use Spark to build data pipelines. The Spark + AI Summit is the largest conference dedicated to the use of Spark for machine learning, data engineering, and data science across many verticals.

Since Spark’s first 1.0 release in 2014 there have been many minor and major releases, with the most recent major release of Spark 3.0 coming in 2020. This book will cover aspects of Spark 2.x and Spark 3.0. By the time of its publication the community will have released Spark 3.0, and most of the code in this book has been tested with Spark 3.0-preview2.

Over the course of its releases, Spark has continued to attract contributors from across the globe and from numerous organizations. Today, Spark has close to 1,500 contributors, well over 100 releases, 21,000 forks, and some 27,000 commits on GitHub, as Figure 1-7 shows. And we hope that when you finish this book, you will feel compelled to contribute too.

The state of Apache Spark on GitHub (source:
Figure 1-7. The state of Apache Spark on GitHub (source:

Now we can turn our attention to the fun of learning—where and how to start using Spark. In the next chapter, we’ll show you how to get up and running with Spark in three simple steps.

1 Contributed to the community by Databricks as an open source project, GraphFrames is a general graph processing library that is similar to Apache Spark’s GraphX but uses DataFrame-based APIs.

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