Chapter 5
Assessing Readiness for Transformation
In This Chapter
Identifying your business strategy
Considering your strategic plan
Getting to grips with the capability maturity road map
This chapter discusses the importance of assessing whether your organisation is ready to undertake a major transformation and how to undertake that assessment. We consider various ways you can validate that your strategy is likely to be effective, robust and comprehensive – which will all be required for an effective transformation. These include using capability maturity models and we look at how these can be used not only for this purpose before starting on the transformation journey but also as that journey progresses.
Assuring an Appropriate Business Strategy
Having an appropriate business strategy is a prerequisite to an effective transformation programme. Our approach to successful Lean Six Sigma deployment involves:
- Doing the right work
- Doing the work right
- Creating the right environment
Figure 5-1 demonstrates these key considerations for effective deployment of Lean Six Sigma.
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