
Ability, 18, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36, 42, 46, 47, 49, 54, 62, 63

Agile, xivxvi, 38, 12, 2125, 3841, 54, 67

Alberti, Leon Battista, 45

American Dream, 60

Apple, 64

Artificial intelligence, 64, 71

The Art of Thought, 29

Automation, 64, 66

Balanced Scorecards, xv

Beautiful new world

cognitive capital, 6165

digital society, 5961

digital transformations, 6567

farewell authoritarianism/welcome dissent, 6770

Birth rates, 59, 6567

Blockbuster, 11

Boden, Margaret A., 36

Boolean logic, 29

Burke, Peter, 48, 49

Business architecture, 19

Ceteris paribus, 63

Challenge, 18, 36, 52, 68, 70

Change, accelerating pace of

agile, advent of, 38

industrialization, 12

scrum, 812

Cognitive capital, 6165

Combinational creativity, 37

Command and control, ...

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