
Adaptability quotient (AQ), 9596

Adaptive enterprise, 95

Adaptive leader, 9496

Adobe brand ambassadors, 7576

Adobe’s social shift programs, 75

Advocacy, modern methods of, 74

“Age of chaotics,” 1

“Age of turbulence,” 1

Agility, 2

Ambassador, 6979

advocacy, modern methods of, 74

attributes of, 7172

brand ambassadorship programs. See Brand ambassadorship programs

competency in action, 7273

AQ. See Adaptability quotient

Audience, relationship with, 21

Authentic leader, 110

Bad deeds, in organization, 4344

Baruch, Bernard, 17

Bennis, Warren G., 88

Bias, 50

conscious of, 5455

Bossidy, Lawrence, 119

Brand ambassadorship programs, 7476

Adobe brand ambassadors, 7576

Adobe’s social shift programs, 75

in college campus, 7475

consistent ...

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