Chapter 19. Working with Structured Data

19.0. Introduction

Even though it’s primarily a client-side development tool, JavaScript has access to several very sophisticated techniques and mechanisms for working with structured data.

Originally, most complex data management, particularly in relation to Ajax calls, was based either in HTML fragments or XML. HTML fragments are still popular. When returned from an Ajax request, the HTML formatted string can be used with innerHTML in order to easily append the HTML into the page. Of course, you have to trust the data you receive, and you can’t manipulate it until you actually insert the data into the page. Either that, or use various String functions to parse pieces out of the HTML string.

Data returned as XML is a richer option, because you can use the string to create a separate document object, from which you can access individual elements, just like you query the web page document now.

XML data is still widely supported, but another structure has gained a great deal of popularity: JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON. It’s so popular that JSON has been added to the most recent version of JavaScript, ECMAScript 5. JSON provides the richness of XML but without the performance hit client-side processing of XML can add.

JSON is basically the string serialization of JavaScript objects. Before ECMAScript 5, you had to use the eval function to convert the string to an object . Unfortunately, using the eval function on an unknown string is an application-security vulnerability. To ensure the string was safe, the originator of JSON, Douglas Crockford, created a library to process the JSON safely. The same functionality is now built into JavaScript.

Support for complex data extends beyond what is built into JavaScript. There are multiple approaches for annotating the web page elements with metadata that can be accessed within the page and without. Two metadata approaches, RDFa and Microformats, have widespread support, including specialized JavaScript libraries. I’ll be touching on these later in the chapter.

19.1. Process an XML Document Returned from an Ajax Call


You need to prepare your Ajax application to deal with data returned formatted as XML.


Access the returned XML via the responseXML property on the XMLHttpRequest object:

if (xmlHttpObj.readyState == 4 && xmlHttpObj.status == 200) {
   var citynodes = xmlHttpObj.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("city");


When an Ajax request returns XML, it can be accessed as a document object via the XMLHttpRequest object’s responseXML property. You can then use the query techniques covered in earlier chapters, such as Chapter 11, to access any of the data in the returned XML.

If the server-side application is returning XML, it’s important that it return a MIME type of text/xml, or the responseXML property will be null. If you’re unsure whether the API returns the proper MIME type, or if you have no control over the API, you can override the MIME type when you access the XMLHttpRequest object:

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
   xmlHttpObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
   if (xmlHttpObj.overrideMimeType) {

The overrideMimeType is not supported with IE, nor is it supported in the first draft for the W3C XMLHttpRequest specification. If you want to use responseXML, either change the server-side application so that it supports the text/xml MIME type, or convert the text into XML using the following cross-browser technique:

if (window.DOMParser) {
   parser=new DOMParser();
   xmlResult = parser.parserFromString(xmlHttpObj.responseText,
} else {
   xmlResult = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
   xmlResult.async = "false"
var stories = xmlResult.getElementsByTagName("story");

Parsing XML in this way adds another level of processing. It’s better, if possible, to return the data formatted as XML from the service.

See Also

The W3C specification for XMLHttpRequest can be found at

19.2. Extracting Pertinent Information from an XML Tree


You want to access individual pieces of data from an XML document.


Use the same DOM methods you use to query your web page elements to query the XML document. As an example, the following will get all elements that have a tag name of "story":

var stories = xmlHttpObj.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("story");


Once you have the XML document, you can use the DOM methods covered in Chapter 11 to query any of the data in the document via the Ajax responseXML property, or even one that you’ve created yourself from scratch.

To demonstrate, Example 19-1 shows a PHP application that returns an XML result when passed a category value. The application returns a list of stories by category, and their associated URL. If the category string isn’t passed or the category isn’t found, the application returns an error message that’s formatted in the same formatting as the other values, except that the URL value is set to “none”. This ensures a consistent result from the application.

It’s not a complicated application or a complex XML result, but it’s sufficient to demonstrate how XML querying works. Notice that the header is instructed to return the content with a MIME type of text/xml.

Example 19-1. PHP application that returns an XML result

  //If no search string is passed, then we can't search
  if(empty($_GET['category'])) {
    $result =
"<story><url>none</url><title>No Category Sent</title></story>";
  } else {
    //Remove whitespace from beginning & end of passed search.
    $search = trim($_GET['category']);
    switch($search) {
      case "CSS" :
         $result = "<story><url>
</url>" .
                   "<title>Opacity returns to IE8</title></story>" .
</url>" .
                   "<title>Embedded Fonts with Font Face</title>
      case "ebooks" :
         $result = "<story><url>
</url>" .
                   "<title>Kindle Clipping Limits</title></story>" .
</url>" .
                   "<title>Kindle and Book Freebies</title></story>";
      case "video" :
         $result = "<story><url>
video-online-crap-shoot</url>" .
                   "<title>The Video Online Crap Shoot</title>
</story>" .
gadgets/review-flip-ultra-camcorder</url>" .
                   "<title>Review of the Flip Ultra Camcorder</title>
</story>" .

</url>" .
                   "<title>Gojira</title></story>" .
its-raging-squid</url>" .
                   "<title>It's a Raging Squid</title></story>";
      case "missouri" :
         $result =
missouri/tyson-valley-lone-elk-and-bomb</url>" .
         "<title>Tyson Valley, a Lone Elk, and a Bomb</title>
      default :
         $result = "<story><url>none</url><title>No Stories Found</title></story>";

  $result ='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' .
              "<stories>" . $result . "</stories>";
  header("Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
  echo $result;

Example 19-2 shows a web page with a JavaScript application that processes a radio button selection for a story category. The application forms an Ajax request based on the category, and then processes the returned XML in order to output a list of stories, linked with their URLs.

Example 19-2. JavaScript application to process story information from returned XML
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">

var xmlHttpObj;

window.onload=function() {
  var radios = document.forms[0].elements["category"];
  for (var i = 0; i < radios.length; i++) {

function getStories() {
   // category
   var category = encodeURIComponent(this.value);

   // ajax object
   if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
      xmlHttpObj = new XMLHttpRequest();

   // build request
   var url = "stories.php?category=" + category;'GET', url, true);
   xmlHttpObj.onreadystatechange = getData;

function getData() {
  if (xmlHttpObj.readyState == 4 && xmlHttpObj.status == 200) {
    try {

       var result = document.getElementById("result");
       var str = "<p>";

       var stories =
       for (var i = 0; i < stories.length; i++) {
         var story = stories[i];
         var url = story.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
         var title = story.childNodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue;
         if (url === "none")
             str += title + "<br />";
             str += "<a href='" + url + "'>" + title + "</a><br />";

       // finish HTML and insert
    } catch (e) {
<form id="categoryform">
CSS: <input type="radio" name="category" value="CSS" /><br />
eBooks: <input type="radio" name="category" value="ebooks" /><br />
Missouri: <input type="radio" name="category" value="missouri" />
<br />
Video: <input type="radio" name="category" value="video" /><br />
<div id="result">

When processing the XML code, the application first queries for all story elements, which returns a nodeList. The application cycles through the collection, accessing each story element in order to access the story URL and the title, both of which are child nodes. Each is accessed via the childNodes collection, and their data, contained in the nodeValue attribute, is extracted.

The story data is used to build a string of linked story titles, which is output to the page, as shown in Figure 19-1. Note that rather than use a succession of childNodes element collections to walk the trees, I could have used the Selectors API to access all URLs and titles, and then traversed both collections at one time, pulling the paired values from each, in sequence:

var urls = xmlHttpObj.responseXML.querySelectorAll("story url");
var titles = xmlHttpObj.responseXML.querySelectorAll("story title");

for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) {
        var url = urls[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
        var title = titles[i].firstChild.nodeValue;
        if (url === "none")
            str += title + "<br />";
            str += "<a href='" + url + "'>" + title + "</a><br />";

I could have also used getElementsByTagName against each returned story element—anything that works with the web page works with the returned XML.

Processing XML: returning story titles and URLs from a server-side application
Figure 19-1. Processing XML: returning story titles and URLs from a server-side application

The try...catch error handling should catch any query that fails because the XML is incomplete. In the example, the error is printed out in an alert—but you’ll want to use friendlier and more helpful error handling.


The document returned in responseXML, or created using DOMParser, has access to the XML DOM APIs, but not the HTML DOM APIs. For the most part, this shouldn’t be a problem, as most of the functionality you’ll use is based on the more generic XML DOM APIs.

See Also

Chapter 11 covers most of the DOM query techniques that work with the XML returned via responseXML, as well as accessing the web page elements. Recipe 9.4 demonstrates how to process radio button events, and Recipe 12.1 demonstrates how to use innerHTML to update the web page contents.

Recipe 19.1 provides a way to process XML when it’s returned as text, via responseText.

19.3. Generate a JavaScript Object with JSON, Old-School Style


You need to convert the JSON text from an Ajax call into a JavaScript object.


Use the eval function to evaluate the string formatted as JSON, creating a JavaScript object using the following syntax:

var jsonobj = '{"test" : "value1", "test2" : 3.44, "test3" : true}';
var obj = eval("(" + jsonobj + ")");
alert(obj.test2); // prints out 3.44

or the following:

var jsonobj = '{"test" : "value1", "test2" : 3.44, "test3" : true}';
eval("var obj="+jsonobj);


The solution presents a simple, three-property object created in JSON. To figure out how to create JSON, think about how you create an object literal and just translate it into a string.

If the object is an array:

var arr = new Array("one","two","three");

the JSON notation would be equivalent to the literal notation for the array:


If an object:

var obj3 = {
   prop1 : "test",
   result : true,
   num : 5.44,
   name : "Joe",
   cts : [45,62,13]};

the JSON notation would be:


Notice in JSON how the property names are in quotes, but the values are only quoted when they’re strings. In addition, if the object contains other objects, such as an array, it’s also transformed into its JSON equivalent. However, the object cannot contain methods. If it does, an error is thrown. JSON works with data objects only.

The two “old-school” techniques to generate objects from the JSON formatted string use the eval method. The first assigns the object to a variable and requires that you surround the JSON with parentheses:

var obj = eval ("(" + objJSON + ")");

The reason for the parentheses is so the eval statement treats the text as an object initializer, rather than some other type of code.

The second approach is to include the variable assignment as the left side of the expression and the JSON as the right, within the eval method:

eval("obj=" + objJSON);

The result of the eval function is a JavaScript object, in which you can access values directly:

alert(obj3.prop1); // prints out test

The use of JSON exploded with the growing popularity of Ajax. Rather than returning plain text, HTML, or XML, applications could return a text string formatted as JSON, and the text could be converted to a JavaScript object with one function call.

Of course, this meant that the JSON was inherently insecure. If you couldn’t trust in the source of the string, you certainly couldn’t trust it to the eval method, which processes whatever string is passed to it. To work around the insecurities of JSON, Douglas Crockford, the father of JSON, created json2.js, a small library that provides a safe version of eval. Once you include the library, you process the JSON using the following syntax:

var obj = JSON.parse(objJSON);


Discover more variations of JSON syntax at The site also includes a link to json2.js.

See Also

Until the built-in JSON capability is supported in all your site’s target browsers, you’ll still need the old-school JSON techniques. However, using the json2.js library can emulate a built-in JSON object, introduced in Recipe 19.5.

19.4. Parse a JSON Formatted String


You want to safely create a JavaScript object from JSON. You also want to replace the numeric representation of true and false (0 and 1, respectively) with their Boolean counterparts (false and true).


Parse the object with the new JSON built-in capability, added to browsers in ECMAScript 5. To transform the numeric values to their Boolean counterparts, create a replacer function:

var jsonobj = '{"test" : "value1", "test2" : 3.44, "test3" : 0}';
var obj = JSON.parse(jsonobj, function (key, value) {
   if (typeof value == 'number') {
      if (value == 0)
         value = false;
      else if (value == 1) {
         value = true;
    return value;

 alert(obj.test3); // prints false


ECMAScript 5 added native support for JSON with the JSON object. It’s not a complex object, as it only provides two methods: stringify and parse. Like Math, it’s a static object that you use directly.

The parse method takes two arguments: a JSON formatted string and an optional replacer function. This function takes a key/value pair as parameters, and returns either the original value or a modified result.

In the solution, the JSON formatted string is an object with three properties: a string, a numeric, and a third property, which has a numeric value but is really a Boolean with a numeric representation: 0 is false, 1 is true.

To transform all 0, 1 values into false, true, a function is provided as the second argument to JSON.parse. It checks each property of the object to see if it is a numeric. If it is, the function checks to see if the value is 0 or 1. If the value is 0, the return value is set to false; if 1, the return value is set to true; otherwise, the original value is returned.

The ability to transform incoming JSON formatted data is essential, especially if you’re processing the result of an Ajax request or JSONP response. You can’t always control the structure of the data you get from a service.


IE8 does not support the JSON object. Opera has placed some restrictions on what can be supported in JSON: strings must be double quoted, and there are no hexadecimal values and no tabs in strings.

See Also

See Recipe 19.5 for a demonstration of JSON.stringify.

19.5. Convert an Object to a Filtered/Transformed String with JSON


You need to convert a JavaScript object to a JSON formatted string for posting to a web application. However, the web application has data requirements that differ from your client application.


Use the JSON.stringify method, passing in the object as first parameter and providing a transforming function as the second parameter:

function convertBoolToNums(key, value) {
     if (typeof value == 'boolean') {
        if (value)
           value = 1;
           value = 0;
      return value;

window.onload=function() {

  var obj = {"test" : "value1", "test2" : 3.44, "test3" : false};
  var jsonobj = JSON.stringify(obj, convertBoolToNums, 3);

  alert(jsonobj); // test3 should be 0


The JSON.stringify method takes three parameters: the object to be transformed into JSON, an optional function or array used either to transform or filter one or more object values, and an optional third parameter that defines how much and what kind of whitespace is used in the generated result.

In the solution, a function is used to check property values, and if the value is a Boolean, convert false to 0, and true to 1. The function results are transformed into a string if the return value is a number or Boolean. The function can also act as a filter: if the returned value from the function is null, the property/value pair are removed from the JSON.

You can also use an array rather than a function. The array can contain strings or numbers, but is a whitelist of properties that are allowed in the result. The following code:

var whitelist = ["test","test2"];

var obj = {"test" : "value1", "test2" : 3.44, "test3" : false};
var jsonobj = JSON.stringify(obj, whitelist, 3);

would result in a JSON string including the object’s test and test2 properties, but not the third property (test3):

   "test": "value1",
   "test2": 3.44

The last parameter controls how much whitespace is used in the result. It can be a number representing the number of spaces or a string. If it is a string, the first 10 characters are used as whitespace. If I use the following:

var jsonobj = JSON.stringify(obj, whitelist, "***");

the result is:

***"test": "value1",
***"test2": 3.44

The use of stringify with a replacer function worked with Safari 4, but did not successfully transform the Boolean value with Firefox. At the time this was written, there is an active bug for Firefox because the replacer function only works with arrays.

See Also

See Recipe 19.4 for a discussion on JSON.parse.

19.6. Convert hCalendar Microformat Annotations into a Canvas Timeline


You want to plot the events annotated with the hCalendar Microformat on a Canvas-based graph. The hCalendar event syntax can differ, as the following two legitimate variations demonstrate:

<p><span class="vevent">
 <span class="summary">Monkey Play Time</span>
 on <span class="dtstart">2010-02-05</span>
 at <span class="location">St. Louis Zoo</span>.

<div class="vevent" id="hcalendar-Event">
  <abbr class="dtstart" title="2010-02-25">February 25th</abbr>,
   <abbr class="dtend" title="2010-02-26"> 2010</abbr>
  <span class="summary">Event</span></div>

With one format, the dtstart class is on a span element; with the other format, the dtstart class is on an abbr element.


Find all elements with a class of vevent:

var events = document.querySelectorAll("[class='vevent']");
var v = events;

Within each, find the element with a class of dtstart. There should only be one, and there should always be one. By Microformat convention, if the dtstart element is an abbr, the start date is found in a title attribute on the element. If the dtstart element is a span, the start date is found in the element’s textContent, and is then split out of the date string to find the actual day:

var days = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
   var dstart = events[i].querySelectorAll("[class='dtstart']");
   var dt;
   if (dstart[0].tagName == "SPAN") {
      dt = dstart[0].textContent;     }
   else if (dstart[0].tagName == "ABBR") {
      dt = dstart[0].title;
   var day = parseInt(dt.split("-")[2]);

The value is then used to graph the line in a canvas element.


Microformats are both simple and complicated. They’re simple in that it’s easy to find the data, but they’re complicated because the rules surrounding the data are very loose. As the solution demonstrates, an hCalendar event start date can be recorded in span elements or abbr elements; the dates are ISO 8601, but could be just dates, or datetime.

The advantage to working with Microformats using client-side JavaScript is that we usually have some control over the format of the Microformats. For instance, if we have a social-networking site where people are entering events, we have no control over what events are created, but we do have control over the format and can ensure that it’s consistent.

Once we know the form of the Microdata used in the page, it isn’t complicated to get the data. For the most part, we’re retrieving elements based on class name, and making queries on these elements’ subtrees for elements with different class names. Though there are few rules to Microformats, there are rules. For instance, the hCalendar data used in the solution has at least three rules: the outer element has a vevent class, there must be a summary and a dtstart element, and if the dtstart element is a span, the data is the textContent; if it is an abbr, the data is the title.

Since IE8 does not support textContent, the code performs a test for textContent. If it isn’t found, then IE8 gets the text from the (IE-originated) innerText or innerHTML property:

for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
   var dstart = events[i].querySelectorAll("[class='dtstart']");
   var dt;
   if (dstart[0].tagName == "SPAN") {
      if (dstart[0].textContent)
         dt = dstart[0].textContent;
        dt = dstart[0].innerText;
   } else if (dstart[0].tagName == "ABBR") {
      dt = dstart[0].title;
   var day = parseInt(dt.split("-")[2]);

Make sure to include the ExplorerCanvas excanvas.js library before your script, in order to ensure the canvas element and commands work with IE:

<!--[if IE]><script src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->

Example 19-3 pulls all of the components together into a full-page application, including the Canvas drawing. The tick marks in the Canvas element are expanded to 10 times their size to make them easier to see on the line. The page is an event calendar for a month at the zoo.

Example 19-3. Extracting Microformat events from page and charting them on a Canvas line graph
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--[if IE]><script src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->

window.onload=function() {

  var events = document.querySelectorAll("[class='vevent']");
  var v = events;
  var days = new Array();
  for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {
     var dstart = events[i].querySelectorAll("[class='dtstart']");
     var dt;
     if (dstart[0].tagName == "SPAN") {
        if (dstart[0].textContent)
           dt = dstart[0].textContent;
          dt = dstart[0].innerText;
     } else if (dstart[0].tagName == "ABBR") {
        dt = dstart[0].title;
     var day = parseInt(dt.split("-")[2]);

  var ctx = document.getElementById("calendar").getContext('2d');

  // draw out
  days.sort(function(a,b) { return a - b});



  for (var i = 0; i < days.length; i++) {
    var x1 = days[i] * 10;
    var t1 = 70;
    var x2 = 5;
    var t2 = 30;

  <p><span class="vevent">
    <span class="summary">Monkey Play Time</span>
    on <span class="dtstart">2010-02-05</span>
    at <span class="location">St. Louis Zoo</span>.
<div class="vevent">
  <abbr class="dtstart" title="2010-02-25">February 25th</abbr>,
  <abbr class="dtend" title="2010-02-26"> 2010</abbr>
  <span class="summary">Event</span>
   <span class="vevent">
   <span class="summary">Tiger Feeding</span>
   on <span class="dtstart">2010-02-10</span>
   at <span class="location">St. Louis Zoo</span>.
<p><span class="vevent">
   <span class="summary">Penguin Swimming</span>
   on <span class="dtstart">2010-02-20</span>
   at <span class="location">St. Louis Zoo</span>.
<div class="vevent">
     <abbr class="dtstart" title="2010-02-19">February 19th</abbr>,
     <abbr class="dtend" title="2010-02-26"> 2010</abbr>
     <span class="summary">Sea Lion Show</span>
<canvas id="calendar" style="width: 600px; height: 100px; margin: 10px; ">

The application works in all of our target browsers, including IE8, as shown in Figure 19-2. IE7 does not support the querySelectorAll method.

See Also

For more on Microformats, see the Microformats website. See more on the canvas element in Chapter 15, and more on ExplorerCanvas in Recipe 15.2.

19.7. Glean Page RDFa and Convert It into JSON Using rdfQuery and the jQuery RDF Plug-in


You’re using Drupal 7, a Content Management System (CMS) that annotates the page metadata with RDFa—Resource Description Framework (RDF) embedded into X/HTML. Here’s an example of the type of data in the page (from the RDFa specification):

<h1>Biblio description</h1>
<dl about=""
   <dd property="dc:title">
RDF Semantics - W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004</dd>
   <dd rel="dc:creator" href="#a1">
    <span id="a1">
      <link rel="rdf:type" href="[foaf:Person]" />
      <span property="foaf:name">Patrick Hayes</span>
      see <a rel="foaf:homepage"

You want to convert that RDFa formatted data into a JavaScript object, and eventually into JSON for an Ajax call.

Microformat hCalendar application in IE
Figure 19-2. Microformat hCalendar application in IE


Use one of the RDFa JavaScript libraries, such as rdfQuery, which has the added advantage of being built on jQuery (the default JavaScript library used with Drupal). The rdfQuery library also implements an RDFa gleaner, which is functionality that can take a jQuery object and glean all of the RDFa from it and its subtree, automatically converting the data into RDF triples and storing them into an in-memory database:

var triplestore =  $('#biblio').rdf()

Once you have the data, you can export a JavaScript object of the triples:

var data = triplestore.databank.dump();
And then you can convert that into JSON:
var jsonStr = JSON.stringify(d);


RDF is a way of recording metadata in such a way that data from one site can be safely combined with data from many others, and queried for specific information or used in rules-based derivations. The data is stored in a format known as a triple, which is nothing more than a simple subject-predicate-object set usually displayed as:

<> foaf:primaryTopic <#bbq> .
<> dc:creator "Jo" .

These triples basically say that the subject in this, a blog identified by a specific URL, has a primary topic of “bbq,” or barbecue, and the creator is named Jo.

This is a book on JavaScript, so I don’t want to spend more time on RDFa or RDF. I’ll provide links later where you can get more information on both. For now, just be aware that we’re going to take that RDFa annotation in the page, convert it into a triple store using rdfQuery, and then export it as a JavaScript object, and eventually JSON.

The RDFa, embedded into X/HTML, has the opposite challenges from Microformats: the syntax is very regular and well-defined, but accessing the data can be quite challenging. That’s the primary reason to use a library such as rdfQuery.

In the solution, what the code does is use jQuery selector notation to access an element identified by “biblio”, and then use the .rdf() gleaner to extract all of the RDFa out of the object and its subtree and store it in an in-memory data store.

The solution then maps the prefixes for the RDFa: dc is mapped to, and so on. Once these two actions are finished, a dump of the store creates a JavaScript object containing the triple objects extracted from the RDFa, which are then converted into JSON using the JSON.stringify method. The resulting string with the five derived triples looks like this:

"value":"RDF Semantics - W3C Recommendation 10 February

Which converts into Turtle notation as:

<> <>
 "RDF Semantics - W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004" .
<> .
<> .
<> "Patrick Hayes" .
<> .

Once you have the string, you can use it in an Ajax call to a web service that makes use of RDF or JSON, or both.

Example 19-4 combines the pieces of the solution into a full-page application in order to more fully demonstrate how each of the components works together. The application prints out the JSON.stringify data dump of the data and then prints out each trip individually, converting the angle brackets of the triples first so that appending them to the page won’t trigger an XHTML parsing error.

Example 19-4. Extracting RDFa from a page and embedding the data into the page
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns=""
      xmlns:foaf="" >
  <head profile="">
    <title>Biblio description</title>
<style type="text/css">
div { margin: 20px; }
  <script type="text/javascript" src="json2.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript"
  <script type="text/javascript">

    window.onload = function() {

      var j =  $('#biblio').rdf()

       var d = j.databank.dump();
       var str = JSON.stringify(d);
       document.getElementById("result1").innerHTML = str;

       var t = j.databank.triples();
       var str2 = "";
       for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
         str2 =
str2 + t[i].toString().replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;")
+ "<br />";
       document.getElementById("result2").innerHTML = str2;
    <h1>Biblio description</h1>
    <dl about=""
       <dd property="dc:title">
RDF Semantics - W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004</dd>
       <dd rel="dc:creator" href="#a1">
        <span id="a1">
          <link rel="rdf:type" href="[foaf:Person]" />
          <span property="foaf:name">Patrick Hayes</span>
          see <a rel="foaf:homepage"
    <div id="result1"></div>
    <div id="result2"></div>

Figure 19-3 shows the page after the JavaScript has finished. The application uses the json2.js library for browsers that haven’t implemented the JSON object yet.

You can also do a host of other things with rdfQuery, such as add triples directly, query across the triples, make inferences, and anything else you would like to do with RDF.

See Also

rdfQuery was created by Jeni Tennison. You can download it and read more documentation on its use at When I used the library for writing this section, I used it with jQuery 1.42. Another RDFa library is the RDFa Parsing Module for the Backplane library.

For more information on RDF, see the RDF Primer. The RDFa Primer can be found at There is a new effort to create an RDFa-in-HTML specification, specifically for HTML5.

Running the RDFa extraction application in Opera
Figure 19-3. Running the RDFa extraction application in Opera

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