Chapter 16. Build an End-to-End Application


This chapter provides self-paced instructions for building a typical three-tier end-to-end application using the following Java EE 7 technologies:

  • Java Persistence API 2.1

  • Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.0

  • Java Message Service 2.0

  • JavaServer Faces 2.2

  • Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.1

  • Bean Validation 1.1

  • Batch Applications for the Java Platform 1.0

  • Java API for JSON Processing 1.0

  • Java API for WebSocket 1.0

  • Java Transaction API 1.2

Software Requirements

You need to download and install the following software:

  1. JDK 7

  2. NetBeans 7.4 or higher (All or Java EE version)

    Figure 16-1 shows a preview of the downloads page and highlights the exact Download button to click.

    NetBeans download bundles

    Figure 16-1. NetBeans download bundles

    NetBeans comes prebundled with GlassFish 4, which provides a complete deployment and runtime environment for Java EE 7 applications.

Problem Statement

This hands-on lab builds a typical three-tier Java EE 7 web application that allows customers to view the show times for a movie in a seven-theater cineplex and make reservations. Users can add new movies and delete existing movies. Customers can discuss the movie in a chat room. Total sales from each showing are calculated at the end of the day. Customers also accrue points for watching movies.

Figure 16-2 shows the key components of the application. The User Interface initiates all the flows ...

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