


Absolute value 170, 184

Converts a negative number to a positive. The absolute value of -40 is 40.

Accelerometer 187, 188192, 340, 401

That cool piece of equipment in iOS devices that detects the tilt of the device. You can get tilt readings on the x, y and z axis.

Adding children 59

Add a child to a parent. For example:

CCSprite* player = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@“player.png”];

[self addChild: player];

You can also extend the statement above to add a z depth and tag.

[self addChild: player z:1 tag: 12345];

If you move a parent object, the children would follow. If you removed a parent, the children would also be removed.

Anchor point 60

Every class derived from CCNode will have an anchorPoint property. When rotating an ...

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