Having demonstrated the benefits of integrating the program management and systems engineering disciplines in a program, the challenge for many organizations will be what to do next. Part III focuses on this challenge with an exploration of how to bring about effective change in complex organizations. The focus is specifically on the integration of program management and systems engineering disciplines, but the principles of change discussed in this part can be generalized to other areas.

Chapter 13 begins with an overview of what is required to produce sustained change in complex organizations. These organizations will require a systematic, concerted, and deliberate effort to adopt and master these principles of integration. The principles presented here will help organizations to better understand the scope of activities and level of effort involved in developing their integration competencies.

Chapter 14 illustrates these principles of change with case study examples from organizations that have demonstrated performance improvement through the integration of their technical and management disciplines. Their examples illustrate the elements and workings of a deliberate approach to and system of change in real and often complex organizational settings.

Chapter 15 concludes this part by offering practical advice to those who wish to establish a change program to improve the integration of program management and systems ...

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