Part I explores the importance of complex programs for society and the positive impact they can have when they perform well, as well as the downsides when they do not. Some of the challenges and causes of poor program performance, as well as factors that contribute to program success, are examined. There are a number of common elements that begin to explain the range in program performance, including the functions performed by the program management and systems engineering disciplines and their approach to working together. The section concludes by identifying a way to mitigate or avoid many common program challenges—the concept of integration.

Chapter 1 uses the example of SpaceX Corporation to illuminate the difference in performance that can result from a unique approach to managing engineering programs. It explores how performance outcomes may result from a combination of factors, but ultimately are rooted in the capabilities that organizations build to be both innovative and efficient. Key players in creating the conditions for success or failure in these programs are the program management and systems engineering functions.

Chapter 2 illustrates the different challenges that programs face, often rooted in the complexity of tasks and how that complexity is navigated. Poor handling of these challenges results in poor program performance, as illustrated in three case examples. These challenges are well‐known, yet many programs still suffer ...

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