Drawing the Image Window

To draw the image window, we will simply modify the standard context.drawImage() function call using the values in the four variables we just defined:

context.drawImage(photo, windowX, windowY, windowWidth, windowHeight, 0, 0,

Let’s take a closer look at this for a refresher on how the drawImage() function operates. The values are passed in order:


The image instance we are going to use as our source for painting onto the canvas


The top-left x location to start copying from the source image


The top-left y location to start copying from the source image


The width of the rectangle to start copying from the source image


The height of the rectangle to start copying from the source image


The top-left x destination location for the image on the canvas


The top-left y destination location for the image on the canvas


The width in pixels for the destination copy (can be modified to scale the image)


The height in pixels for the destination copy (can be modified to scale the image)

When we draw from the image to the canvas, we will be modifying the windowX and windowY values to create a panning effect. Example 4-11 demonstrates how to get the image onto the canvas with the window location set to 0,0. Figure 4-12 shows an example of the output for Example 4-11.

Example 4-11. Placing an image on the canvas in a logical window

var photo = new Image();
photo.addEventListener('load', eventPhotoLoaded ...

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