
Activity centers reopening, 5559

ADARA marketing surveys, 30, xii

Airlines, 5152

Baby boomers, 56

Booked trips, changes in, 2021

Bucket List, 7, 66, 74, 99100, 113

Business travel, 40, 4245

Business Travel Association, 5152

Canceled trips, 2930

Casual traveler, 72

Chomage Partiel scheme, 83

City breaks, 99

CJRS. See Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS)

Cleanliness, contactless, community, compassion (4Cs), 6869

Climate change, 23

Coach travel, 99

Conferences, 4550

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), 8283

COVID-19 pandemic

in 2020, 913

in 2021, 1520

canceled trips, 2930

cleanliness, contactless, community, compassion (4Cs), 6869

global deaths and death rates

Eastern Europe, 19

Northern Europe, 18

South America, 19 ...

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