Chapter 16. Natural Language Processing with RNNs and Attention

When Alan Turing imagined his famous Turing test1 in 1950, he proposed a way to evaluate a machine’s ability to match human intelligence. He could have tested for many things, such as the ability to recognize cats in pictures, play chess, compose music, or escape a maze, but, interestingly, he chose a linguistic task. More specifically, he devised a chatbot capable of fooling its interlocutor into thinking it was human.⁠2 This test does have its weaknesses: a set of hardcoded rules can fool unsuspecting or naive humans (e.g., the machine could give vague predefined answers in response to some keywords, it could pretend that it is joking or drunk to get a pass on its weirdest answers, or it could escape difficult questions by answering them with its own questions), and many aspects of human intelligence are utterly ignored (e.g., the ability to interpret nonverbal communication such as facial expressions, or to learn a manual task). But the test does highlight the fact that mastering language is arguably Homo sapiens’s greatest cognitive ability.

Can we build a machine that can master written and spoken language? This is the ultimate goal of NLP research, but it’s a bit too broad, so in practice researchers focus on more specific tasks, such as text classification, translation, summarization, question answering, and many more.

A common approach for natural language tasks is to use recurrent neural networks. We will ...

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