Chapter 2. End-to-End Machine Learning Project
In this chapter you will work through an example project end to end, pretending to be a recently hired data scientist at a real estate company. This example is fictitious; the goal is to illustrate the main steps of a machine learning project, not to learn anything about the real estate business. Here are the main steps we will walk through:
Look at the big picture.
Get the data.
Explore and visualize the data to gain insights.
Prepare the data for machine learning algorithms.
Select a model and train it.
Fine-tune your model.
Present your solution.
Launch, monitor, and maintain your system.
Working with Real Data
When you are learning about machine learning, it is best to experiment with real-world data, not artificial datasets. Fortunately, there are thousands of open datasets to choose from, ranging across all sorts of domains. Here are a few places you can look to get data:
Popular open data repositories:
Meta portals (they list open data repositories):
Other pages listing many popular open data repositories:
In this chapter we’ll use the California Housing Prices dataset from the StatLib repository1 (see Figure 2-1). This dataset is based on ...
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