5. Improving DQN

In this chapter, we will look at three modifications to the DQN algorithm—target networks, Double DQN [141], and Prioritized Experience Replay [121]. Each modification addresses a separate issue with DQN, so they can be combined to yield significant performance improvements.

In Section 5.1 we discuss target networks which are lagged copies of Q^π(s,a). The target network is then used to generate the maximum Q-value in the next state s′ when calculating Qtarπ, in contrast to the DQN algorithm from Chapter 4 which used Q^π(s,a) when calculating Qtarπ. This helps to stabilize training by reducing the speed at which Qtarπ changes.

Next, we discuss the Double DQN algorithm in Section 5.2. Double DQN uses two Q-networks to calculate ...

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