Chapter 13. e-Learning with Flash

You’ve learned about basic interactivity and how to create and use button states. You’ve also seen how to change interface states on the main timeline by simply jumping to another frame or scene. Believe it or not, these basic skills are used in a wide variety of business applications.

Macromedia has researched common uses of Flash and tried to provide ready-made solutions to common requirements. For example, many companies use Flash to present educational material and to inform employees and customers about promotions, procedures, and product information. Flash includes several templates that can be used to quickly create presentations, slide shows, and quizzes, and the functionality of each is built into the template. In this chapter’s project, you’ll use a template and components to construct a three-question quiz about what you’ve learned so far.

Creating a Quiz: Getting Started with Templates

The first thing you need to do is choose a quiz template:

  1. Use File → New to open the New Document dialog box, and click the Template tab. This displays the New from Template dialog box, as shown in Figure 13-1.

  2. Choose Quiz_style2 from the Templates category in the dialog box and click OK. The quiz template opens.

  3. Save the file as quiz.fla in the 13 folder.

Figure 13-1. The New from Template dialog box

The quiz template has five layers: ...

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