Appendix A. Tips and Resources

This appendix contains a small collection of basic tips and resources, with information ranging from how to configure your preferences to what web sites and books to explore next. Also included in these pages are some pointers that may help you if you’re having any trouble with any of the sample files provided on this book’s companion CD-ROM. Finally, suggested areas of continuing study, as well as a glimpse into ways that you can extend the Flash authoring environment, round out this text.


With any application as feature-rich as Flash, you are likely to gain some efficiencies, or even capabilities, by exploring the Preferences options. Flash, however, is better than some other applications when it comes to including user-definable features. Some of the highlights of each of Flash’s Preferences categories will be briefly discussed here, but you may want to take a few minutes to look around for yourself.


The General category, shown in Figure A-1, contains miscellaneous preferences that apply to the application at large. For example, you can define whether or not the Startup Screen is displayed, switch between document-level and object-level undo, and specify how many levels of undo are supported. (The latter will affect RAM consumption, ...

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