Health Care Organizations

16.2 Accounting Guidance

*(b) AICPA Audit Guide

(c) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

(d) HFMA Principles and Practices Board

16.3 Financial Statements

(a) Financial Reporting Model

(b) Balance Sheet

(c) Statement of Operations

(i) Performance Indicator

(e) Statement of Cash Flows

16.4 Accounting Principles

(b) Revenue Recognition

(i) Fee-for-Service Transactions

(iv) CCRC Entrance Fees

(d) Settlements with Third-Party Payers

(g) Investments

(i) Equity Investments

(iii) Investment Pools Sponsored by Other Nonprofits

(i) Contributions

(ii) Contributions Received by Affiliated Fundraising Foundations

(j) Malpractice and Similar Contingencies

(k) Reporting Entity Considerations

(i) Consolidation of Other Not-for-Profit Entities

*(ii) Special-Purpose Entities

* (iii) Noncontrolling Interests

(v) Joint Operating Agreements

*(l) Accounting for Loss Contracts

(ii) CCRCS

16.2 Accounting Guidance

(b) AICPA Audit Guide

p. 284, second paragraph, last sentence. Replace “with” with “within.”

*p. 284, third paragraph. Last sentence should read: “An entirely new version of the Health Care Entities guide was issued in September 2013.”

(c) Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

p. 284, second paragraph, last sentence. Replace “Chapter 35” with “Chapter 34.”

(d) HFMA Principles and Practices Board

p. 285, first paragraph, third complete sentence. Replace “five” with “seven.”

16.3 Financial Statements

(a) Financial Reporting Model

p. 286, fourth paragraph. ...

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