Resizing a Windows Partition

Many computers are sold with some version of Microsoft Windows preinstalled, claiming the entire disk. In order to install Fedora in a dual-boot configuration, it is necessary to reduce the size of the Windows partition to free up some space.

How Do I Do That?

Fedora does not provide a good tool for resizing Windows partitions. Fortunately, there is a very good open source tool available, GParted.


Always back up your data before adjusting partitions.

Download the 26 MB GParted LiveCD from and burn it onto a CD or DVD. Insert the disc into the system to be resized, and then start (or restart) the system; the screen shown in Figure 10-1 will appear.

GParted LiveCD boot screen

Figure 10-1. GParted LiveCD boot screen


You may need to adjust the BIOS boot options to force the system to boot from the disc.

Press Enter. The system will ask you to select your language, as shown in Figure 10-2, and then to select the keyboard type, as shown in Figure 10-3.

Language selection screen

Figure 10-2. Language selection screen

Keyboard selection screen

Figure 10-3. Keyboard selection screen

The software will then prompt you for your display resolution, as shown in Figure 10-4; select the default unless you’re ...

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