Using IRC

Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a network-based, multiserver chat/instant message system. While mailing lists provide asynchronous communication, IRC provides almost-immediate, synchronous communication. You can use it to participate in online planning meetings, discuss development, or exchange support advice.

How Do I Do That?

There are many different IRC client programs available.

To use the IRC client XChat, select the menu option Applications→Internet→IRC, or run the command xchat. The window shown in Figure 9-1 will appear.

XChat server-list window

Figure 9-1. XChat server-list window

XChat will propose a first, second, and third nickname based on the username and actual name (GECOS field) of the account you’re using. Edit these values if desired, select the FreeNode network, and click Connect. Figure 9-2 shows the main XChat window and introductory message that will appear.

XChat main window

Figure 9-2. XChat main window

To join a specific channel, select the menu option Window→Channel List. When the channel-list window shown in Figure 9-3 appears, enter fedora into the Regex Match field and click Apply. Select the channel you wish to join from the list and click Join Channel.

XChat channel list

Figure 9-3. XChat channel list

The main XChat ...

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