Chapter 7. Neural Networks

A regression and classification technique that has enjoyed a renaissance over the past 10 years is neural networks. In the simplest definition, a neural network is a multilayered regression containing layers of weights, biases, and nonlinear functions that reside between input variables and output variables. Deep learning is a popular variant of neural networks that utilizes multiple “hidden” (or middle) layers of nodes containing weights and biases. Each node resembles a linear function before being passed to a nonlinear function (called an activation function). Just like linear regression, which we learned about in Chapter 5, optimization techniques like stochastic gradient descent are used to find the optimal weight and bias values to minimize the residuals.

Neural networks offer exciting solutions to problems previously difficult for computers to solve. From identifying objects in images to processing words in audio, neural networks have created tools that affect our everyday lives. This includes virtual assistants and search engines, as well as photo tools in our iPhones.

Given the media hoopla and bold claims dominating news headlines about neural networks, it may be surprising that they have been around since the 1950s. The reason for their sudden popularity after 2010 is due to the growing availability of data and computing power. The ImageNet challenge between 2011 and 2015 was probably the largest driver of the renaissance, boosting performance ...

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