
Actual full-time equivalent (FTE) count, 145149

Actual risk assessment respondent profiles, 35, 36

Administrative team

administrator, 96

champion, 96

Enterprise Risk Committee, 96

Head of Internal Audit, 93, 96

implementation team, 96

respondents, 97

risk owners, 96

Administrator, 96

Audit Committee, 99

Auditor efficiency analysis, 149

Black Swan risks, 31

Blended risk heat map, 49

Board members, 32, 34

Bonus incentive programs, 185

Brand loyalty, 133

Business coverage, 9

Champion, 96

Chief Audit Executive (CAE), 98

Committee and responsibilities

Executive Leadership Team (ELT), 97

meetings, 100

membership, 99

processes and controls, 100

reporting, 100

responsibilities, 9899

Risk Committee Charter, 99

risk management framework, 100

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