Extreme Project Management Life Cycle

The Extreme PMLC model is the most complex of the five major models in the project management landscape. Figure 12-1 is a graphical representation of the Extreme PMLC model. The first thing to note about the model is that the phases repeat all Process Groups in a linear fashion. (I call these phases in this model to distinguish them from increments, iterations, and cycles used in the models discussed earlier in the book.) If the decision is made to go to the next phase, that phase begins with the scoping of the changed direction for the project. The reason for this is that the just-completed phase may suggest that the solution can be found by taking the project in an entirely different direction than originally planned. By repeating the Scoping Phase, you may find that the goal may change due to the new direction the project will take.

Figure 12-1: Extreme PMLC model



Extreme PMLC models consist of a sequence of repeated phases with each phase based on a very limited understanding of the goal and solution. Each phase learns from the preceding ones and redirects the next phase in an attempt to converge on an acceptable goal and solution. At the discretion of the client, a phase may release a partial solution. A phase consists of the five Process Groups, each performed once in the sequence Scoping Planning Launching Monitoring and ...

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