3.5. Creating a Java Method


You want to create a Java method to run your code.


Enter the method’s code yourself in the JDT editor, or let code assist help out.


Java code must be in a method to be run. Eclipse, with code assist, can help out. Say you want to create the code you see in Example 3-1, which includes a new method named display.

Example 3-1. The DisplayApp.java example

public class DisplayApp
    public static void main(String[] args)
        display( );

    private static void display( )
                          System.out.println("No problem.");

To see what code assist can do for you, create the DisplayApp project, and let Eclipse generate a main method for you:

public class DisplayApp {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

Instead of typing in the display method by hand, use code assist. Move the cursor beneath the main method, and enter the word private to make display a private method. Then, press Ctrl-Space to open code assist, as shown in Figure 3-8.

Creating a new method

Figure 3-8. Creating a new method

Select the private static method item, and code assist will create the method template for you, as shown in Figure 3-9.

A new method template

Figure 3-9. A new method template

Fill in the return_type, name, and arguments items to give you the code in Example 3-1; save the file; and run the project by selecting Run ...

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