Chapter 2. Product Presentation

In the last chapter we considered step one of the simplified commerce lifecycle, where a potential customer discovers your product or service. The challenge for a vendor is to provide the information necessary to allow for a quick and simple purchase decision by the visitor. How the product is presented to the user can greatly influence the likelihood of getting to the next step in the simplified commerce lifecycle illustrated in Figure 2-1: purchasing.

Simplified commerce lifecycle—stage 2

Figure 2-1. Simplified commerce lifecycle—stage 2

In this chapter the examples will show how, with proper presentation techniques and incorporating concepts such as social commerce, single sign-on, and cross selling, a vendor can increase the chance of a customer making the decision to purchase. In the first recipe we will incorporate the Facebook Open Graph API with the X.commerce services to incorporate social commerce into a Magento storefront. User feedback of “want” and “use” of products from the Open Graph will be incorporated into the product page.

The next recipe will show how, with minimal effort, you can incorporate the PayPal Access and Identity offerings to provide a single sign-on for a user with that user’s PayPal credentials and retrieve basic user profile information. In this manner you can customize your product presentation without having to ask the user to set multiple configuration options. ...

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