
The authors thank CONACyT (for its name in Spanish, which stands for National Council for Science and Technology), Mexico, for financial support on projects 131678 and 174803 (Retencion). They also thank CINVESTAV-IPN (for its name in Spanish, which stands for Advanced Studies and Research Center of the National Polytechnic Institute), Mexico, particularly Rene Asomoza Palacio, President of the CINVESTAV system, and Bernardino Castillo-Toledo, Director Guadalajara Campus, and Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico, in particular J. Jesus Rico-Melgoza, J. Aurelio Medina-Rios and Elisa Espinosa-Juarez, for encouragement and facilities provided to accomplish this book publication. In addition, they thank ...

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