Chapter 5. Feature Engineering

In 2014, the paper “Practical Lessons from Predicting Clicks on Ads at Facebook” claimed that having the right features is the most important thing in developing their ML models. Since then, many of the companies that I’ve worked with have discovered time and time again that once they have a workable model, having the right features tends to give them the biggest performance boost compared to clever algorithmic techniques such as hyperparameter tuning. State-of-the-art model architectures can still perform poorly if they don’t use a good set of features.

Due to its importance, a large part of many ML engineering and data science jobs is to come up with new useful features. In this chapter, we will go over common techniques and important considerations with respect to feature engineering. We will dedicate a section to go into detail about a subtle yet disastrous problem that has derailed many ML systems in production: data leakage and how to detect and avoid it.

We will end the chapter discussing how to engineer good features, taking into account both the feature importance and feature generalization. Talking about feature engineering, some people might think of feature stores. Since feature stores are closer to infrastructure to support multiple ML applications, we’ll cover feature stores in Chapter 10.

Learned Features Versus Engineered Features

When I cover this topic in class, my students frequently ask: “Why do we have to worry about feature ...

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