Chapter 10. Infrastructure and Tooling for MLOps

In Chapters 4 to 6, we discussed the logic for developing ML systems. In Chapters 7 to 9, we discussed the considerations for deploying, monitoring, and continually updating an ML system. Up until now, we’ve assumed that ML practitioners have access to all the tools and infrastructure they need to implement that logic and carry out these considerations. However, that assumption is far from being true. Many data scientists have told me that they know the right things to do for their ML systems, but they can’t do them because their infrastructure isn’t set up in a way that enables them to do so.

ML systems are complex. The more complex a system, the more it can benefit from good infrastructure. Infrastructure, when set up right, can help automate processes, reducing the need for specialized knowledge and engineering time. This, in turn, can speed up the development and delivery of ML applications, reduce the surface area for bugs, and enable new use cases. When set up wrong, however, infrastructure is painful to use and expensive to replace. In this chapter, we’ll discuss how to set up infrastructure right for ML systems.

Before we dive in, it’s important to note that every company’s infrastructure needs are different. The infrastructure required for you depends on the number of applications you develop and how specialized the applications are. At one end of the spectrum, you have companies that use ML for ad hoc business analytics ...

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