
Absolute errors, 103

Absolute percentage errors (APEs), 108

Accuracy, 102–107

Actual inventory management systems, 18

Advertising data, 74–75

Anecdotal pareto principle, 81

ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average) models

    autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation, 66–68

    autoregression, 61–62

    integration, 62–64

    moving averages, 64–66

Audi A3, 40

Autocorrelation function (ACF), 66–68

Autoregression (AR), 61–62

    autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions, 67


The Bank of England (BoE), 14–15

Bias, 102–107

Biased forecast, 103

Big data, 74

“black box” argument, 92

Bottom-up forecasting, 137–139

Box–Jenkins models. See ARIMA models

“Brute force” technique, 65

Bureau of Labor Statistics, 42, 44


Causal ...

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