Chapter 10. The Multiplane Data Platform Architecture

The real truth of existence is sealed, until after many twists and turns of the road.


The previous chapter introduced the multiplane data platform, a high-level component of data mesh architecture. Many questions are yet to be answered in the gap between this high-level architecture and the actual implementation. What exact technologies to buy or build? How to evaluate these technologies? How to integrate them?

This chapter walks you through a framework that you can apply to answer these questions, in the context of your organization and available technology stack. It provides examples of what constitutes a platform to help you kickstart your creative journey. It shows you the road to follow with all its twists and turns to discover what is truthful for your organization.

By now you have some familiarity with the concept of the data mesh platform and have a language to describe it.

Chapter 4 introduced the platform as:

A collection of interoperable domain-agnostic services, tools, and APIs that enable cross-functional domain teams to produce and consume data products with lowered cognitive load and with autonomy.

Chapter 9 proposed a multiplane platform to distinguish between different classes of platform services based on their scope of operation without imposing a strict layering.

The three planes of the platform include:

Data infrastructure (utility) plane
Atomic services to provision and manage physical resources ...

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