Chapter 9. The Logical Architecture

Form ever follows function.

Louis Sullivan

In this chapter I present the logical architecture of data mesh, including its high-level structural components and their relationships.

To arrive at the architecture, I’ll walk you through the data mesh principles and show how each of these principles influences the overall architecture with new components and integrations—we follow the function and intention to arrive at the form.

Here is a quick summary of architectural concepts that I will unpack in this chapter, driven by each principle:

Domain ownership extends domains with analytical data sharing interfaces

Domain ownership of data results in a domain-centric organization of analytical data. This means that a domain’s interfaces must extend to sharing its analytical data. Figure 9-1 demonstrates this extension notationally.

Figure 9-1. Domain interfaces extended with analytical data sharing interfaces
Data as a product introduces a new architecture quantum, aka data quantum

Data mesh represents each data product as an architecture quantum. As an architectural quantum, a data product encapsulates all the necessary components needed to implement its usability characteristics and the behavior of securely sharing analytical data.

A data quantum is the foundational unit of a data mesh architecture. It holds the domain-oriented data and ...

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