

Adams, Wayne 95

ambiguity 45

Amdur, Margery 60, 95

Ascheim, Deborah 678, 95

assessment 5, 11, 14, 52, 567; culture of 4, 6

Bailin, David 6870, 95

Baumann, Daniel 17, 723, 100

Blizard, Christie 56, 95

boredom 312, 73

Bourbon, Matthew 702, 96

Brown, Nick 30, 96

collaboration 72, 8990

collecting 41, 79

concurrent projects 523

Conley, Jaclyn 96

Cornejo, Cesar 34, 96

cost of education 2, 7, 15

Creative Practices (course) 6, 8194

creativity 7, 1113, 1823; modes 1618

criticism 25, 55; self 356

De St. Croix, Blane 96

DeStoop, Alexis 27, 97

destruction 22, 88

digital platforms 23, 7, 27, 435

distance 256, 39

Downen, Jill 45, 97

embodied: cognition 39; knowledge 3941, 43, 478, 65, 84; learning 46; research 8, 39, 412,

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