
1  Davidson, “Hard to Find.” The article cites other studies that lead to the same conclusion. A LinkedIn survey of 291 hiring managers noted that 58 percent of the managers say the lack of soft skills is limiting their company’s productivity. The LinkedIn survey went on to report that the ability to communicate trumped all other skills. An academic study in 2015 from Harvard economist David Deming also found that demand has increased for workers who excel in these soft skills.

2  Harter, “Obsolete Annual Reviews.”

3  Harter and Adkins, “Employees Want a Lot More From Their Managers.”

4  Rath, Strengths Finders 2.0.

5  Schoenberger, “The Right—and Wrong—Ways to Give Employees Kudos.”

6  Ibid.

7  Eichinger, “Kill Your Performance Ratings.” ...

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