Chapter 6. Application Design and Implementation

Like all databases, CockroachDB responds to requests from application code. How an application requests and uses data has a huge bearing on application performance and scalability. In this chapter, we’ll review how an application should work with CockroachDB, including best practices for coding CockroachDB requests and transactional models.

Because CockroachDB is PostgreSQL wire protocol–compatible, any language that supports PostgresSQL can be used with CockroachDB. And in general, the programming idioms and best practices of PostgreSQL apply to CockroachDB. However, because of the distributed nature of CockroachDB, there are some differences in programming styles between CockroachDB and PostgreSQL.

Although you can work with CockroachDB using pretty much any programming language in common use, in this chapter, we’ll constrain our discussion to four languages: Go, Java, Python, and JavaScript.

Previously, we showed how to install language drivers for each of these languages. Please refer back to Chapter 3 for instructions on driver installation, or refer to the CockroachDB documentation for more detailed guidelines, including guidance on how to install drivers for other languages or for alternative drivers.

CockroachDB Programming

CockroachDB is broadly compatible with the universe of SQL-relational databases and particularly compatible with PostgreSQL. However, there are a few unique programming idioms specific to CockroachDB ...

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