Chapter 3. Getting Started

CockroachDB has a sophisticated and modern architecture and is designed for global scale. However, that complexity and scalability don’t imply a steep learning curve or barrier to entry. In this chapter, we’ll help you get started with a CockroachDB installation and introduce you to the basics of working with a CockroachDB system.


CockroachDB can be installed on virtually any flavor of desktop OS within a few minutes. Alternatively, you can create a free CockroachDB Serverless database or run CockroachDB within a Docker container or Kubernetes cluster.

Installing CockroachDB Software

In most scenarios, you’ll want to have the CockroachDB software installed on your desktop computer, so let’s start with that. You’ll find a full list of CockroachDB binaries at From there, you can pick your OS and download the most recent version or pick a previous version.

The instructions that follow worked as of the time of writing, but installation can change with each release, so make sure you consult the CockroachDB website for the most up-to-date instructions.

Installation on macOS

If you have the brew package manager installed, then that is probably the easiest way to get started installing CockroachDB on Mac. In fact, even if you don’t have brew installed, it’s probably easier to install it and then install CockroachDB than to install CockroachDB manually.

To install brew, issue the following command from ...

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