7.2.2    MOSFET-C circuits

In this approach, the metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET) operating in triode region are used as variable resistors that are automatically adjusted to provide accurate RC products by an on-chip control circuit. According to the n-channel transistor shown in Figure 7.56, if VGS, VDS, VT, and VB are the gate-source, drain-source, threshold, and substrate voltages, respectively, the drain current, I, in the triode region will be given by



where K=μnCox(W/2L),VGS>VT,VDS<VDS(sat)=VGSVT, and VBVs. Assuming that VGS = VC, the current, I, can be written as [42]



where f(VDS)=KVDS2 and the tunable resistor, R, is of the form


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