Chapter 1. Introduction to Closure

Closure is a collection of tools for building rich web applications in JavaScript. Each tool in the suite is open-sourced under the Apache 2.0 license, and is created, maintained, and made available for free by Google. Closure is used in the development of many web applications at Google, including Gmail, Google Maps, and Google Docs. The performance and scale of these web applications is a testament to the strength and sophistication of the Closure Tools suite.

Some developers might balk at the thought of expanding the role of JavaScript in their web applications. Why should the codebase of a language that relies on global variables and has no support for namespaces get bigger and more complex? Others may point out that Google simultaneously offers the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) so that web developers do not even have to concern themselves with JavaScript. Why do we need new tools for JavaScript when the tools for avoiding it already exist?

Whether you like it or not, JavaScript is the lingua franca of the Web. Although tools such as GWT do a reasonable job of abstracting away JavaScript, they also create barriers between you and the metal of the browser. Instead of creating tools to circumvent JavaScript, why not build tools to address its problems head-on?

This is where Closure comes in: the tools make it significantly easier to maintain a large JavaScript codebase. Using Closure essentially extends JavaScript to include features available in other programming languages, such as namespaces, type checking, and data hiding. Furthermore, it does so without incurring the runtime overhead of previous approaches (see Appendix B). More importantly, it does not sacrifice the good parts of JavaScript (prototypal inheritance, regular expression literals, first-class functions) that are not available in other programming languages, such as Java. This transforms JavaScript from a language one must “deal with” into one that is fun and productive.

In addition to making your development team happier, using Closure will also make your users happier. The crown jewel of the suite, the Closure Compiler, can significantly reduce the amount of JavaScript that users will have to download when visiting your site. It does this by replacing long variable names with shorter ones, removing unused code, and by applying a variety of other optimizations. In addition to making your web application faster, shrinking code will also save you money because it reduces bandwidth costs. Further, it helps protect your IP because renaming variables serves to obfuscate your code, making it more difficult for other websites to copy your functionality.

Tools Overview

In addition to the Closure Compiler, there are currently four other tools available in the Closure suite. Figure 1-1 shows the common workflow when using all of the tools together. This section provides a brief description of each tool in the order in which it is encountered in this book.

Workflow when using Closure Tools.

Figure 1-1. Workflow when using Closure Tools.

Closure Library

The Closure Library is a comprehensive JavaScript library analogous to other contemporary offerings, such as jQuery, Dojo, and MooTools. The coding style and use of annotations in the Closure Library are tailored for use with the Closure Compiler, which is its main distinguishing feature when compared to other JavaScript libraries. This can have dramatic effects on the Compiler’s ability to minify code, as a simple minification experiment finds that Closure Library code can be 85 percent smaller when using the Closure Compiler in place of the YUI Compressor (

The Closure Library is also implemented with a strong emphasis on performance and readability. It is frugal in creating objects, but generous in naming and documenting them. It also has an elegant event system, support for classes and inheritance, and a broad collection of UI components, including a rich text editor. Closure Library code is regularly tested across browsers, and to the extent that it can, will also work in non-browser JavaScript environments, such as Rhino ( and the Microsoft Windows Script Host. Because the Library is a resource for Google engineers first and an open source project second, it is a safe bet that every line of code in the Library was developed to support at least one Google product. The style of the Library will first be introduced in Chapter 2, and the functionality of the Library will be covered in the following eight chapters.

Closure Templates

Closure Templates provide an intuitive syntax for creating efficient JavaScript functions (or Java objects) that generate HTML. This makes it easier to create a large string of HTML that can in turn be used to build up the DOM. Unfortunately, most programming languages do not have native support for templates, so creating a separate templating solution is a common practice for web frameworks (J2EE has JSP, Python developers frequently use Django’s template system, etc.). A unique aspect of Closure Templates is that the same template can be compiled into both Java and JavaScript, so those running servers written in Java (or JavaScript!) can use the same template on both the server and the client. The benefits of this, along with Closure Templates, will be covered in Chapter 11.

Closure Compiler

The Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler: it takes JavaScript source code as input and produces behaviorally equivalent source code as output. That is, when the output code is used in place of the input code, the observable effect will be the same (though the output code is likely to execute faster than the original). As a simple example, if the input code were:

 * @param {string} name
var hello = function(name) {
  alert('Hello, ' + name);
hello('New user');

then the Compiler would produce the following behaviorally-equivalent output:

alert("Hello, New user");

Executing either code snippet will have the same effect: an alert box will display with the text "Hello, New user". However, the output code is more concise, so it can be downloaded, parsed, and executed faster than the input code.

Furthermore, the Compiler can detect a large class of errors by performing static checks at compile time, much like JSLint. This helps find bugs earlier, dramatically speeding up JavaScript development. Using the Compiler to identify problems is not a substitute for unit testing, but it certainly helps.

For existing JavaScript applications, the Closure Compiler is likely to be the Closure Tool that is most immediately useful. Although it will be most effective when used to compile code written in the style of the Closure Library, replacing an existing dependency on jQuery or Dojo with that of the Library could be time-consuming. By comparison, the Closure Compiler can be used in place of existing JavaScript minifiers (such as JSMin or YUI Compressor) with much less effort. The Compiler will be introduced in Chapter 12.

Closure Testing Framework

The Closure Testing Framework is a unit-testing framework that runs in the browser, much like JsUnit. Most Closure Library code has a corresponding test that runs in the Framework. It is good programming practice to create tests for your own code and to run them regularly to identify regressions. Because the Closure Testing Framework runs inside the browser, additional software is needed to automate the process of starting up a browser, running the tests, and recording the results. Selenium is likely the best solution for that purpose. The Closure Testing Framework will be explained in Chapter 15.

Closure Inspector

The Closure Inspector is an extension to Firebug to aid in debugging compiled JavaScript. Firebug is an extension for Firefox (which is not developed by Google) that brings together a number of web development tools, including a JavaScript debugger, available through the browser. When using the Firebug debugger with obfuscated code produced by the Closure Compiler, it is hard to trace a runtime error back to its position in the original source code. The Closure Inspector facilitates debugging by exposing the mapping between the original and compiled code in the Firebug UI. It will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 16.

Closure Design Goals and Principles

Before diving into the code, it is important to understand the design goals and principles that motivate the implementation of the Closure Tools. Much of the design of the toolkit is motivated by the capabilities of the Compiler and the style of the Library.

Reducing Compiled Code Size Is Paramount

The primary objective of the Closure Compiler is to reduce the size of JavaScript code. Because Google serves so many pages with JavaScript and prides itself on speed (Google engineers have T-shirts that say “Fast is my favorite feature”), it is imperative that the JavaScript required to display a page is as small as possible. Even when JavaScript is cached by the browser, it must still be parsed and executed again when the page that uses it is reloaded. The smaller the JavaScript, the less time this takes.

Specifically, the Compiler favors reducing the size of gzipped JavaScript over uncompressed JavaScript. For example, it might be tempting to have the Compiler rewrite the following function:

Line.prototype.translate = function(distance) {
  this.x1 += distance;
  this.y1 += distance;
  this.x2 += distance;
  this.y2 += distance;

so that it creates a temporary variable for this before compiling the code:

Line.prototype.translate = function(distance) {
  var me = this;
  me.x1 += distance;
  me.y1 += distance;
  me.x2 += distance;
  me.y2 += distance;

The motivation here is that the Compiler can rename me but cannot rename this because this is a JavaScript keyword. Although using the temporary variable results in smaller uncompressed code when run through the Compiler, the gzipped size of the compiled code is larger when using the temporary variable. Because the overwhelming majority of browsers can accept gzipped JavaScript, the Compiler focuses on optimizations that will benefit the gzipped code size. Most optimizations are wins for both compressed and gzipped JavaScript, but there are occasionally exceptions, such as this one.

JavaScript code should be written in a way that can be compiled efficiently by the Compiler. This is fundamental to understanding the design of the Closure Library: the verbosity of the code is not representative of its size after being processed by the Compiler. If more code (or annotations) need to be written to result in smaller compiled code, then that is preferable to writing less code that results in larger compiled code. For example, writing comprehensive utility libraries is acceptable as long as the unused parts can be removed by the Compiler. Complementary methods should be replaced with a single parameterized method (e.g., prefer setEnabled(enable) to enable() and disable()). This reduces the number of method declarations and is more amenable to function currying. Therefore, to fully understand the Closure Library, one must also understand how the Compiler rewrites JavaScript code.

One may wonder if any emphasis is placed on using the Compiler to produce JavaScript with better runtime performance. The short answer is yes, but because runtime performance is so much harder to measure than code size, more engineering time has been spent on improving minification. Fortunately, many reductions in code size also improve performance, as many optimizations result from evaluating expressions at compile time rather than runtime.

All Source Code Is Compiled Together

The Compiler is designed to compile all code that could be run during the course of the application at once. As shown in Figure 1-1, there are many potential sources of input, but the Compiler receives all of them at the same time. This is in contrast to other languages, in which portions of source code are compiled into reusable modules. In Closure, it is the opposite: source code is initially compiled together and is then carved up into modules that may be progressively loaded by a web application. This is done to ensure that the variable names used in individual modules are globally unique.

Managing Memory Matters

As the Gmail team explained on their blog (, they encountered a performance problem with Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) with respect to memory management that prevented IE6 users from getting a newer version of Gmail until Microsoft provided a patch to IE6 users. Although this caused the Gmail engineers a considerable amount of pain, it did force them to invest extra effort into managing memory on the client.

Like most modern programming languages, JavaScript manages its own memory. Unfortunately, this does not preclude the possibility of a memory leak, as failing to release references to objects that are no longer needed can still cause an application to run out of memory. The Closure Library uses goog.Disposable to ensure that references are released as soon as possible so that objects may be garbage collected. goog.Disposable will be introduced in Chapter 5, and managing event listeners (another common source of memory leaks) will be explained in Chapter 6.

The issues with IE6’s garbage collection are so severe that the Closure Library offers goog.structs.Map as an abstraction around JavaScript’s native Object to reduce the number of string allocations when iterating over the keys of an object. The justification is revealed in a comment in the goog.structs.Map source code:

 * An array of keys. This is necessary for two reasons:
 *   1. Iterating the keys using for (var key in this.map_) allocates an
 *      object for every key in IE which is really bad for IE6 GC perf.
 *   2. Without a side data structure, we would need to escape all the keys
 *      as that would be the only way we could tell during iteration if the
 *      key was an internal key or a property of the object.
 * This array can contain deleted keys so it's necessary to check the map
 * as well to see if the key is still in the map (this doesn't require a
 * memory allocation in IE).
 * @type {!Array.<string>}
 * @private
this.keys_ = [];

Now that Microsoft has provided a patch for the problem with IE6, such micromanagement of string allocation is less compelling. However, as more mobile devices are running web browsers with fewer resources than their desktop equivalents, attention to memory management in general is still merited.

Make It Possible to Catch Errors at Compile Time

The Closure Compiler is not the first tool to try to identify problems in JavaScript code by performing static checks; however, there is a limit to how much can be inferred by the source code alone. To supplement the information in the code itself, the Compiler makes use of developer-supplied annotations which appear in the form of JavaScript comments. These annotations are explained in detail in Chapter 2.

By annotating the code to indicate the parameter and return types of functions, the Compiler can identify when an argument of the incorrect type is being passed to a function. Similarly, annotating the code to indicate which data are meant to be private makes it possible for the Compiler to identify when the data are illegally accessed. By using these annotations in your code, you can use the Compiler to increase your confidence in your code’s correctness.

Code Must Work Without Compilation

Although the Compiler provides many beneficial transformations to its input, the code for the Closure Library is also expected to be able to be run without being processed by the Compiler. This not only ensures that the input language is pure JavaScript, but also makes debugging easier, as it is always possible to use the deobfuscated code.

Code Must Be Browser-Agnostic

The Closure Library is designed to abstract away browser differences and should work in all modern browsers (including IE6 and later). It should also work in non-browser environments, such as Rhino and the Windows Script Host (though historically the motivation behind creating a browser-agnostic library was to support WorkerPools in Google Gears). This means that common browser objects such as window and navigator are not assumed to exist.

This does not mean that the Closure Library lacks utilities for dealing with browser-specific APIs such as the DOM. On the contrary, the Library provides many methods for working within the browser. However, Library code that works with objects that are universally available in all JavaScript environments (strings, arrays, functions, etc.) does not rely on APIs that are available only to the browser. This makes the Closure Library a good candidate for use with server-side JavaScript, as well.

Built-in Types Should Not Be Modified

Built-in object prototypes, such as Object, Function, Array, and String should not be modified. This makes it possible to use Closure alongside other JavaScript libraries, such as jQuery. In practice, however, using Closure with other libraries is generally inefficient. Each library will have its own logic for event management, string manipulation, etc., which means that duplicate logic will likely be included, increasing the amount of JavaScript code that will be loaded.

Code Must Work Across Frames

The Closure Library is designed to be loaded once per frameset (though it is designed so that multiple instances of the Library should not “step on each other” if it is loaded more than once). The Library recognizes that built-in objects, such as Arrays, may be constructed in different frames and therefore will have distinct prototypes. For web applications that use multiple frames (such as using a separate <iframe> in design mode for rich text editing), loading the Library only once rather than once per frame can result in significant performance savings.

Tools Should Be Independent

Each tool in the Closure suite can be used independently of the others. This is largely because the decision to use a particular Closure tool is made by an individual engineering team at Google, so there is no guarantee that a team that is using the Compiler is also using the Library. Now that Closure is more mature, the main reason to adopt one tool but not another is because of a dependency on legacy code that already depends on a similar tool. You may find yourself in a similar situation when deciding how best to incorporate Closure into an existing project.

Nevertheless, even though it is possible to compile jQuery with the Compiler or to use Templates to create functions that can be called from Dojo, the entire Closure suite should be adopted to achieve the maximum benefit from the tools. It is indeed the case with Closure that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. For example, although the Library and the Compiler can be used independently, they are only moderately effective when used on their own. In some cases, the Library is outright unusable without the Compiler (see datetimesymbols.js). Both must be used together in order to get the most out of Closure.

Downloading and Installing the Tools

Currently, each tool in the Closure suite must be downloaded and installed separately. As the tools are independent of one another, each is maintained as its own project on Most projects include a “Featured downloads” section where the tool and its documentation can be downloaded as some sort of zip file. Unfortunately, the Closure Library does not offer such a bundle, so the only way to get the code is to check it out of the Subversion repository associated with the project.


Because all of the Closure Tools are designed to be used independently, it takes a bit of effort to get them set up and working together. Fortunately, Appendix C introduces plovr, which is a single build tool that integrates all of the Closure Tools in a single download (the code for all of the Closure Tools is included in the plovr jar). Using plovr eliminates the need for many of the scripts required to build the example in the following section, as well as the dependency on Python. Once you have gone through the example and understand the fundamentals of how building in Closure works, it is worth visiting the plovr website ( to see how the equivalent could be done using plovr.

At the time of this writing, the tools also lack version numbers (with the exception of the Closure Inspector). Because each is stored in Subversion, they do have revision numbers, but those are simply incremented every time a change is checked in. This is less significant than a version number, which is an explicit branding that generally reflects achieving a particular milestone or achieving some level of stability. Fortunately, each project has a number of tests to prevent regressions in new releases. Therefore, although all of the examples in this book were created using the Closure Tools built from the revision numbers listed in Table 1-1, it is probably safe to use the latest version of each tool to reproduce the results in the examples.

Table 1-1. Revision numbers for Closure Tools used to produce the examples in this book. Each is the latest version as of July 4, 2010. Clearly, some of the tools are updated more frequently than others.

ToolRevision numberDate revision was checked in
Closure Library155June 25, 2010
Closure Templates15April 26, 2010
Closure Compiler264July 3, 2010
Closure Inspector5April 8, 2010

This section will walk through downloading and configuring each tool, whereas the next section will provide a comprehensive code example that will demonstrate how each is used. If you are a Mac or Linux user, this section expects that you are familiar with the Terminal and have Subversion installed. Mac users should have Subversion installed by default, but Linux users may have to run sudo apt-get install svn to get it (apt-get is used to install packages on Ubuntu and Debian, so the package management system of your Linux distribution may differ). In either case, running which svn in the Terminal will print the location of the Subversion executable if it is installed.

If you are a Windows user, you will need to install Subversion if you have not done so already. The most popular Subversion client for Windows is TortoiseSVN, and it is freely available at Unlike the command-line versions for Mac and Linux, TortoiseSVN is an extension to Windows Explorer. This means that it can be used on Windows without using the Command Prompt.


Many of the examples in this book include commands that can be run from a terminal on Mac or Linux. Running the equivalent script from the Windows command prompt is often a simple matter of replacing the line continuation character for a bash script (which is a backslash: \) with the line continuation character for a Windows batch script (which is a caret: ^). Alternatively, you can install Cygwin (, which provides a Linux-like terminal on Windows. When using Cygwin, the shell scripts in this book that are designed for Mac and Linux can be run as-is.

These instructions assume that each project will be downloaded in its own directory under a common directory, such as C:\closure\ on Windows or ~/closure/ on Mac and Linux. For simplicity, each directory name will match the project name on, so the Closure Library will be downloaded into C:\closure\closure-library\.

Closure Library and Closure Testing Framework

As mentioned at the beginning of this section, the Closure Library cannot be downloaded as a zip file, so it must be downloaded by checking the code out of Subversion. The location of the repository is, so that is the value to use for “URL of repository” when using TortoiseSVN on Windows, as shown in Figure 1-2.

Using TortoiseSVN to check out the Closure Library on Windows.

Figure 1-2. Using TortoiseSVN to check out the Closure Library on Windows.

Mac and Linux users can run the following commands from Terminal to download the Closure Library:

mkdir ~/closure
cd ~/closure
svn checkout closure-library

The Closure Library also contains the Closure Testing Framework. Open the URI file:///C:/closure/closure-library/all_tests.html in a web browser and press the “Start” button to kick off the test suite. At the time of this writing, not all of the tests pass, so do not be worried that you downloaded a “bad” version of the Library if you see several test failures. The status of each failure is tracked as an issue on

Closure Templates

The primary binary for Closure Templates is used to compile templates into JavaScript. It can be downloaded from

It is also fairly easy to build the Templates binary from source. Download the code using Subversion by following the Closure Library example, but use as the URL of the repository to check out and closure-templates as the destination. All Closure Templates binaries can be built using Apache Ant ( The binary for compiling templates into JavaScript is named SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar and can be built using Ant as follows:

cd ~/closure/closure-templates/
ant SoyToJsSrcCompiler

The result will be available at ~/closure/closure-templates/build/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar.

Closure Compiler

The simplest way to get the Compiler is to download and extract compiler.jar from the zipfile.

It is also fairly easy to build the Compiler from source. Download the code using Subversion by following the Closure Library example, but use as the URL of the repository to check out and closure-compiler as the destination. The Compiler can then be built using Apache Ant:

cd ~/closure/closure-compiler/
ant jar

The result will be in ~/closure/closure-compiler/build/compiler.jar.

Closure Inspector

The Closure Inspector is a Firefox extension, so to install it, you must first download the Firefox web browser from Next, install the Firebug extension for Firefox from

Once you have Firefox running with Firebug, download and open it in Firefox using File→Open File.... This will prompt you to install the extension.

In case any of these URLs change, it is worth cross-checking these installation instructions with those provided by Google at

Example: Hello World

This section will walk through a simple example to demonstrate how all of the Closure Tools can be used together. Before following the instructions in this section, make sure all of the Tools are installed as described in the previous section. Also, both Java 6 (the JDK) and Python 2.6.5 (or later) must be installed and available from the command line. A simple web search should yield appropriate instructions for installing Java and Python on your computer if you do not have them already.

Closure Library

The first step will exercise the Closure Library by creating a web page that loads the kernel of the Library and then some of its DOM utilities to insert the text Hello World! into the page. Assuming you have all of the tools checked out as described in the previous section, first create a subdirectory of your closure directory named hello-world. Then create the following file named hello.js in your hello-world directory with the following JavaScript code:



example.sayHello = function(message) {
  goog.dom.getElement('hello').innerHTML = message;

In the same directory, also create a file named hello.html with the following HTML:

<!doctype html>
  <title>Example: Hello World</title>
  <div id="hello"></div>

  <script src="../closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script>
  <script src="hello.js"></script>
    example.sayHello('Hello World!');


Open hello.html in a web browser and you should see a page that says Hello World!. The details of how goog.provide() and goog.require() work will be explained in Chapter 3, but for now, all you need to know is that they are responsible for managing dependencies in Closure. If you examine this page in Firefox using Firebug (which you should have installed along with the Closure Inspector) and expand the <body> element, you can see that 12 additional JavaScript files from the Closure Library have been loaded behind the scenes (Figure 1-3).

These <script> elements are used to load goog.dom and all of its dependencies. This may seem like a lot of code to load in order to do the equivalent of document.getElementById(), but remember that the focus is on minifying the size of the compiled code, not the source code.

Additional JavaScript files loaded by Closure.

Figure 1-3. Additional JavaScript files loaded by Closure.

Closure Templates

Although “Hello World!” is a classic example, it is also fairly boring, so Closure Templates can be used to spice things up by making it easier to insert some HTML into the page. In the hello-world directory, create a new file named that will define a Closure Template:

{namespace example.templates}

 * @param greeting
 * @param year
{template .welcome}
  <h1 id="greeting">{$greeting}</h1>
  The year is {$year}.

Assuming that SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar is in closure-templates/build/, run the following command from your hello-world directory in the Command Prompt on Windows or the Terminal on Mac or Linux:

java -jar ../closure-templates/build/SoyToJsSrcCompiler.jar \
    --outputPathFormat \
    --shouldGenerateJsdoc \

This should generate a file named with the following content:

// This file was automatically generated from
// Please don't edit this file by hand.



 * @param {Object.<string, *>=} opt_data
 * @param {soy.StringBuilder=} opt_sb
 * @return {string|undefined}
 * @notypecheck
example.templates.welcome = function(opt_data, opt_sb) {
  var output = opt_sb || new soy.StringBuilder();
  output.append('<h1 id="greeting">', soy.$$escapeHtml(opt_data.greeting),
      '</h1>The year is ', soy.$$escapeHtml(opt_data.year), '.');
  if (!opt_sb) return output.toString();

Now update hello.js so it uses the function available in and includes another goog.require() call to reflect the dependency on example.templates:



example.sayHello = function(message) {
  var data = {greeting: message, year: new Date().getFullYear()};
  var html = example.templates.welcome(data);
  goog.dom.getElement('hello').innerHTML = html;

In order to use, both it and its dependencies must be loaded via <script> tags in the hello.html file:

<!doctype html>
  <title>Example: Hello World</title>
  <div id="hello"></div>

  <script src="../closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script>
  <script src="../closure-templates/javascript/soyutils_usegoog.js"></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="hello.js"></script>
    example.sayHello('Hello World!');


Now loading hello.html should look like Figure 1-4.

Hello World! example using Soy.

Figure 1-4. Hello World! example using Soy.

Although everything is working, maintaining these dependencies manually is very tedious. Fortunately, the Closure Library contains a Python script named that can be used to write dependency information into a file of JavaScript code that Closure can use to dynamically load dependencies:

python ../closure-library/closure/bin/ \
    --dep ../closure-library \
    --path ../closure-templates/javascript \
    --path \
    --path hello.js \
    --output_mode deps > hello-deps.js

The hello-deps.js file must be loaded to instruct Closure where to find the source code to support its dependencies. (The details of how works and the contents of the hello-deps.js file it produces will be discussed in Dependency Management.) Now several of the <script> tags from the previous example can be replaced with a single <script> tag that loads hello-deps.js:

<!doctype html>
  <title>Example: Hello World</title>
  <div id="hello"></div>

  <script src="../closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script>
  <script src="hello-deps.js"></script>
    example.sayHello('Hello World!');


To make sure that your dependencies are loading correctly, verify that loading hello.html still looks like Figure 1-4 after replacing the explicit template dependencies with hello-deps.js.

To change the content of the template, edit and run the java command used to generate again. If is not regenerated, then changes to will not be reflected in hello.html.

Closure Compiler

Now that we have created a giant heap of JavaScript, it is time to shrink it down using the Closure Compiler. Even though is a utility from the Closure Library, it uses the Closure Compiler via its --compiler_jar argument. (Make sure that the Closure Compiler jar is available at ../closure-compiler/build/compiler.jar before running the script.) This command compiles hello.js and all of its dependencies into a single file named hello-compiled.js:

python ../closure-library/closure/bin/ \
    --path ../closure-library \
    --path ../closure-templates/javascript/soyutils_usegoog.js \
    --path \
    --input hello.js \
    --compiler_jar ../closure-compiler/build/compiler.jar \
    --output_mode compiled \
    --compiler_flags="--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" \
    > hello-compiled.js

Now that hello-compiled.js is available, create a new file named hello-compiled.html that uses it:

<!doctype html>
  <title>Example: Hello World</title>
  <div id="hello"></div>

  <script src="hello-compiled.js"></script>
    example.sayHello('Hello World!');


Unfortunately, loading hello-compiled.html fails to display “Hello World!”. Instead, it yields a JavaScript error: example is not defined. This is because example has been renamed by the Compiler in order to save bytes, but the final <script> tag still refers to example.sayHello(). The simplest solution is to make sure that example.sayHello() still refers to the original function after compilation by adding the following line to the bottom of hello.js:

goog.exportSymbol('example.sayHello', example.sayHello);

The Compiler must be run again on the updated version of hello.js that includes the call to goog.exportSymbol(). Once hello-compiled.js has been regenerated, loading hello-compiled.html should appear as hello.html did in Figure 1-4 because hello-compiled.js should behave the same as hello.js does when it loads the Closure Library. However, now that hello-compiled.js is used, it is the only JavaScript file that needs to be loaded to run hello-compiled.html.

Looking at hello-compiled.js, it may come as a surprise that it is a little over 2K when all it does is insert some HTML into a <div>, but that is because it contains a bit of bootstrapping code that will be necessary for all applications built with Closure.

Most of that logic deals with browser and platform detection that can be eliminated by specifying the target environment at compile time. In the following code, additional flags are used to specify a Gecko-based browser running on Windows, which removes almost a kilobyte from the compiled code:

python ../closure-library/closure/bin/ \
  --path ../closure-library \
  --path ../closure-templates/javascript/soyutils_usegoog.js \
  --path \
  --input hello.js \
  --compiler_jar ../closure-compiler/build/compiler.jar \
  --output_mode compiled \
  --compiler_flags="--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" \
  --compiler_flags="--define=goog.userAgent.ASSUME_GECKO=true" \
  --compiler_flags "--define=goog.userAgent.ASSUME_WINDOWS=true" \
  --compiler_flags="--define=goog.userAgent.jscript.ASSUME_NO_JSCRIPT=true" \
  > hello-compiled-for-firefox-on-windows.js

Although many of the compiler flags in this example will be discussed later in this book, one that is worth highlighting now is the one that specifies the use of ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS. This runs the Compiler in Advanced mode, the mechanics of which are explained in great detail in Chapter 13. For now, the only thing you have to know about Advanced mode is that it is able to dramatically optimize JavaScript code written in a particular style, so many of the upcoming chapters on the Closure Library will cite Advanced mode as the reason why code is written in a certain way. After reading all of the chapters on the Closure Library, you will be able to fully appreciate all of the optimizations that the Compiler can perform in Advanced mode.

Closure Testing Framework

Although the code appears to work fine when run in the browser, it is a good idea to create a unit test to ensure the correct behavior is preserved. In this case, example.templates.welcome should be tested to ensure that its input is escaped properly. The first step is to create a web page named hello_test.html that will host the test:

<!doctype html>
  <title>Unit Test for hello.js</title>
  <script src="../closure-library/closure/goog/base.js"></script>
  <script src="hello-deps.js"></script>
  <script src="hello_test.js"></script>
  <div id="hello"></div>

The next step is to create hello_test.js, which contains the test code itself. This test verifies that the string '<b>greeting</b>' is properly escaped by the template (HTML escaping is a feature of Closure Templates that can be configured, but is enabled for all input, by default):



var testHtmlEscaping = function() {
  var greetingEl = goog.dom.getElement('greeting');
  assertEquals('The <h1 id="greeting"> element should only have one child node',
      1, greetingEl.childNodes.length);
  assertEquals('The <h1 id="greeting"> element should only contain text',
      goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT, greetingEl.firstChild.nodeType);

Loading hello_test.html in the browser will run the test and display the results as shown in Figure 1-5.

Note how information is also logged to the Firebug console while the test is running to help with debugging.

Test results for hello_test.html.

Figure 1-5. Test results for hello_test.html.

Closure Inspector

Because the Closure Inspector is used to help with debugging compiled JavaScript, hello.js must be recompiled with a bug in it to demonstrate how the Inspector can be used. Though rather than create an actual bug, simply insert a debugger statement in hello.js as follows:



example.sayHello = function(message) {
  var data = {greeting: message, year: new Date().getFullYear()};
  var html = example.templates.welcome(data);
  goog.dom.getElement('hello').innerHTML = html;

goog.exportSymbol('example.sayHello', example.sayHello);

Because hello.js has changed, hello-compiled.js must also be regenerated, but an additional flag, --create_source_map, must be supplied to the Compiler to generate the metadata used by the Inspector:

python ../closure-library/closure/bin/ \
    --path ../closure-library \
    --path ../closure-templates/javascript/soyutils_usegoog.js \
    --path \
    --input hello.js \
    --compiler_jar ../closure-compiler/build/compiler.jar \
    --output_mode compiled \
    --compiler_flags="--compilation_level=ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS" \
    --compiler_flags="--create_source_map=./hello-map" \
    > hello-compiled.js

In addition to hello-compiled.js, this will also create a file named hello-map. Although the data in hello-map may look like JavaScript, only its individual lines are valid JSON, not the file as a whole.

When a web page hits a debugger statement while a JavaScript debugger is enabled, such as Firebug, the program will suspend so that the program state can be inspected using the debugger. Reloading hello-compiled.html with the newly compiled version of hello-compiled.js in Firefox with the Script tab enabled in Firebug should suspend execution and look something like Figure 1-6.

When the Closure Inspector is installed, there will be an extra tab in the Firebug debugger named “Source Mapping” where the path to the source map can be entered. Click “Open Local File” to select hello-map from your computer. When you use the Closure Inspector for the first time, it will also ask you to choose a file where your settings for the Inspector can be saved. Something like inspector-settings.js is a reasonable default to use, as the contents of the file are JSON.

Loading the source map in the Closure Inspector.

Figure 1-6. Loading the source map in the Closure Inspector.

Once you have set the source map in the Inspector, refresh hello-compiled.html with the Firebug panel open and you should see the program stopped on the line that contains the debugger statement, as shown in Figure 1-7.

With the “Stack” tab selected in Firebug, pushing the “Copy Stack” button adds the following contents to the clipboard, which identify the current stacktrace:

In file: file:///c:/closure/hello-world/hello-compiled.js
    A | Line 2 | Original Name: goog.string.StringBuffer
In file: file:///c:/closure/hello-world/hello-compiled.html/event/seq/1
    onload | Line 2 | Original Name: goog.string.StringBuffer

By using the deobfuscated stack trace provided by the Closure Inspector, it is possible to look at the program and determine where the current point of execution is. Chapter 16 contains more information about the Inspector.

Closure Inspector hitting a breakpoint.

Figure 1-7. Closure Inspector hitting a breakpoint.

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